Day One

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Today, it was the eve of Cinco de Mayo awaiting the event since the military victory over Napoleon III's French forces in the year 1862. In the United States, in the middle of nowhere, ten days before Cinco de Mayo, it was morning, there were five trailers belonging to a group of supernatural-hunting team and three children, each of the campers was occupied respectively, first was owned by the chief of supernatural hunters, Jacob Arrow, and his longtime buddy, the military surgeon and medic, Medic Ben Shepherd,  second were their respective sons, the weapons expert, Lloyd Arrow, and his best friend, John, the third one where a hunting partner Gwen Harper and her roommate, the tech expert, Hope Newman, fourth is inhabited by another hunting partner, a foster Mexican Luke Fernandez, and wheelchair-bound lore expert, Felix Reed, fifth where a werewolf Indian-American chemist Priya Desai, and her protégé, Romanian-American dhampir witch Annabelle Leek.

However, not only other hunters weren't the only ones who had a spare camper, there was another camper where occupied by three children, two half-brothers, Ryan Waygetter and Scott Jones, and their childhood best friend Chelsea Delaney, the half-brothers have respective pets, an American lion Peter Benjamin Parker and an American hyena Nicholas Joseph Furry but Chelsea doesn't have one. In the driver's seat, there was a seemingly android assistant acting as their legal guardian, hoping to prevent any authorities from reporting to social service to take them to the group home. Just then, a pair of little girls came out of nowhere, holding each backpack with them and carrying them around, they walked to the camper and got inside. When they are inside the camper, the little girls reveal to be the frenemies and female counterparts of the half-brothers, the Multiverse Travelers, the child prodigy Sarah Grimmes and Japanese spoiled brat Kim Suzuki who have come to visit their friends since it was Cinco de Mayo, they walk to the couch and sit on it, waiting for their friends to come out. In each separate room, Scott and Ryan are in the same room, but Chelsea has one room. In their room, the boys are sleeping on the bunk bed, Scott lies on the lower bed and Ryan is on the upper bed, Scott gets up from the lower bed, stretches his arms, yawns, and leaps off of the bed.

"Ryan..." yawned Scott, Ryan got up from the upper bed, leaped off of the bed, and climbed down to the floor.

"Good morning," said Scott.

"Right." yawned Ryan, "Guess what, we are going to make breakfast for our families," he announced that he and Scott were going to cook a special breakfast for their allies.

"Scott! Ryan!" Chelsea's voice calls them, and she comes into the boys' room and reaches them.

"We should cook breakfast for our friends," said Chelsea.

"Yeah." the boys agreed, the kids raced to the door, opened it, and exited the room as they prepared breakfast for the hunters. While reaching the door to the kitchen to make breakfast for the hunters, Sarah and Kim show up and greet them.

"Hi." greed the little girls, waving their hands at the boys.

"Ugh." the boys scoffed grumpily, they had no choice but to invite them along.

"Yeah." cheered the girls, the kids went to the door and headed to the kitchen together.

Later, outside of the kids' camper, it was already morning at that time during the Cinco de Mayo, and the hunters emerged from their respective trailers, wearing each sleepwear, they shut the trailers close and walked to the picnic table and sat on it. Sitting at the table together and Ben was too tired to cook breakfast for all of them, Felix tries to reach the seat but to no avail, so Luke helps Felix get up from the wheelchair, carries him, and puts him on the picnic table, he walks to the table and sits on it next to Annabelle despite being asleep after carrying Felix into the table seat carefully, he lies on the table and rests on it tired and Annabelle turns around sees Luke's eyes cannot open due to his tiredness, she smiles and leans to him and kisses him on the cheek. Gwen was lying on the table and snoring, drooling over the table and Hope sat beside her and shook her up, trying to wake up her. Priya becomes insomniac from hiding the moon which almost turns her into a werewolf, sporting eye bags and messy hair, she walks to the table and sits on it. Lloyd and John went to the table and sat next to the girls, looked at Gwen snoring and drooling on the table, and shrugged. Finally, Chief Arrow walks to the table and sits on it, he turns around and spots the kids cooking breakfast for all of the hunters inside the camper while they are too tired to cook on their own.

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