Day Seven: Taco Tuesday

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On day seven, May 2, it was Taco Tuesday, it was already morning, and back inside the tent, Captain Read and Rebecca are still asleep when they are tired, he opens his eyes, emerges from the sleeping bag, crawls to the zipper, unzips it open, and exits the tent. He stretches his arms and yawns, then turns around and sees that there was another camper coming out of nowhere and arrives at the forest to hike. There, he saw a familiar brown-eyed, wrinkled old man in his mid-fifties with brown greying shaggy hair and a thick beard, a mustache, an X-shaped scar on his left cheek, and wearing a maroon, buttoned-up shirt under a black overt vest with a black pistol holstered inside, he was accompanied by a young man with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes, wearing a grey shirt with black sleeves and black sleeveless jacket. Upon seeing the duo, Captain Read suddenly recognized them as Chief Jacob Arrow and his son Lloyd.

"Lloyd? Chief Arrow?" gasped Captain Read, rubbing his eyes.

"Hey, guys. Where have you been?" greeted Lloyd.

"So, Mr. Read. So what happened?" queried Chief Arrow.

"Well, they would be fine," said Captain Read, the half-brothers come up behind him.

"Uncle Gregory." greeted Ryan.

"Kids, where is Luke?" asked Lloyd worriedly.

"Well. I don't think that Luke won't come back." shrugged Ryan worriedly.

"Hey? Where have you been?" asked Ryan.

"And we brought these," said Lloyd, pulling out a cargo box of fresh avocados in his arms and presenting them to the kids.

"Cool! We have never seen those avocados before. How did you get them." surprised Ryan, asking Lloyd where these avocados were from.

"Well, I preserve them for a few days before Taco Tuesday and Cinco de Mayo," explained Lloyd.

"Sweet!" excited Ryan.

"Yeah, I can't wait to eat guacamole dip!" excited Ryan.

"It's so sad that Dad didn't get a chance to try those guacamole." sighed Scott.

"I know." sighed Ryan.

"Yep, we are gonna make some to sell to our first customer," suggested Granny Fernandez cheerfully.

"Sure." nodded Scott.

"By the way, Where is Luke anyways?" asked Lloyd, shrugging in worry.

"Don't worry, he will come back for us." consoled Chief Arrow.

"I'm so sorry, we didn't that we never get a chance to see Luke again." sighed Ryan.

"Maybe if we can find him and the other hunters, we can still continue our duty to bring peace between humans and supernatural beings." determined Chief Arrow.

"Right." nodded Ryan.

"And I wanna try guacamole," said Scott.

"We know." sighed Chief Arrow.

"By the way, I got a flyer of Spring Taco Tuesday Fest, it said that it was May 2 and it was today," explained Granny Fernandez.

"How did you know?" asked Scott.

"Trust me," replied Granny Fernandez.

"And where do we visit?" asked Ryan, Granny Fernandez points out at all of the people gathering in the forest and all of the food trucks coming by,

"At least, we are going to make guacamole," answered Granny Fernandez.

"Sweet!" excited Scott.

"Whoa." stunned Lloyd.

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