Day Eight

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On day eight, May 3, it was already morning at the forest where everyone was packing their things into the vehicles to head out and return to the village square after a road trip, they got into the campers one by one and went inside, walking to the driver's seats, sitting on them, and fastening their seatbelts. They were inside the trailers, taking out the keys, inserting them into the keyholes, twisting them, and turning the engines before taking the wheels and steering them, they drove off and headed out of the forest to set out to return to the village square for a while. In the meantime, Luke was becoming restless after having a nightmare about his breakup with Annabelle but he was able to stay awake as he was navigating back to his former home, Felix was sitting on the seat next to him when he was worried about him, and his broken relationship with Annabelle, still feeling sorry for him, he was afraid that he didn't want to console him nor his breakup with his girlfriend. At the same time, after having a Spring Taco Tuesday Fest, the kids are back inside the camper once and are now practicing wrestling once more a day as they are preparing for the Cinco de Mayo.

"Hola, es bueno verte." greeted Fernando, waving his hand at the kids.

"Good grief, it's you again." scoffed Flynn, but was elbowed by Ryan seriously nagged him for being rude to the boys, "Hey." he thought and turned to Ryan in confusion.

"Fernando! Roberto! We miss you!" greeted Ryan.

"Sí! Nosotros sabemos." the boys replied cheerfully by nodding their heads.

"Hi, we miss you and we want to know about you and your brother." greeted Scott, the kids also need to know who he and Roberto are.

"Yes, indeed," replied Fernando, speaking English to the kids.

"Wait, you speak English? Why?" thought Ryan surprisingly.

"What!" gasped Scott.

"Hey, I don't get it! You speak Spanish but you did in English." thought Sarah seriously.

"I don't know, these boys are speaking English for the first time, but we need to know who are they?" wondered Ryan.

"Who are you both again?" questioned Kim worriedly.

"Yes, we did, even we met Americans as well. But it's time to learn the truth." replied Fernando, finally revealing another truth to the kids, "We are the reincarnations of Alejandro's brothers." he revealed that they are the reincarnations of Fernando and Roberto.

"What!" gasped Ryan, shocked by the boys' truth, and in fact they are not ghosts but reincarnations.

"Of course, it was. When we were orphaned after our parents passed away, we lived in an orphanage a year ago. We learn that our names were related to reincarnation, I was named after Fernando and my friend who turned out to be my brother, Roberto." explained Fernando.

"Wait! What are you talking about?" questioned Scott.

"We are tasked to save your friend from the same fate that Corazón Podrido and his lover are after him and Annabelle," said Fernando.

"But where are they going?" asked Scott.

"They are going to track down and find five items before Cinco de Mayo to perform a ritual in order to obtain absolute power for themselves," explained Fernando, deducing that Corazón Podrido and his lechuza lover are after Luke and Annabelle while deceiving the girl to find five items to achieve their goal to rule over New Mexico as well as taking place before Cinco de Mayo.

"Wait! That's terrible." worried Scott.

"Yeah, who knew that something might happen to our friend." gulped Ryan.

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