Day Six

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On day six, May 1, after April and already the fifth month before Cinco de Mayo, it was already morning, back on the road where Captain Read was steering the wheel restlessly and Rebecca was sleeping on the seat, she woke up and yawned, stretching herself. Waking up from her sleep during the trip through New Mexico, Rebecca looked up and saw the RV speeding toward the road while Captain Read was driving and unable to get enough rest, he reached his hand to his eye and rubbed it while he was driving carefully. Meanwhile, the kids were in a bunk bed sleeping and Scott woke up from the mattress, leaped off the bed, walked to the table, and sat on it. At the same time, when Scott was sitting at the table, Granny Fernandez was cooking some food for him and the kids and humming a happy tune, she gathered the dishes, walked to the table, and put them on it for him just the kids come up and went to the table to eat their breakfast.

"Here you go, kids," said Granny Fernandez gleefully. She turns around and sees Captain Read falling asleep and unable to drive carefully.

"Gregory, are we there yet?" asked Rebecca worriedly.

"Ahhh!!" yelped Captain Read, trying to stay awake, "Rebecca, I'm having a hard time going to sleep." he yawned.

"Gregory, I think you should rest for a while." insisted Rebecca, begging Captain Read to take a nap for a while.

"No need, I have to drive on my own." yawned Captain Read, steering the wheel restlessly.

"Oh no you don't, you have to rest for a while," said Granny Fernandez, approaching the seat where Captain Read was sitting and driving the camper, "Señor Read! I want you to get some rest and I will handle this," she asked but Captain Read refused and yawned.

"No..." yawned Captain Read, steering the wheel.

"Gregory. I want you to sleep as long as you can." pleaded Rebecca.

"Fine." scoffed Captain Read, unfastening the seatbelt, getting up from the seat, and walking onto the couch while Granny Fernandez decided to take over his driving.

"Gracia." smiled Granny Fernandez, walking to the seat, sitting on it, and fastening her seatbelt, she took a wheel and steered it. Captain Read was walking through the camper and passed the table where the kids were sitting with Flynn.

"Hey, Captain Read. What's up." greeted Kim, waving her hand at Captain Read.

"Hey, Uncle Gregory? Are you feeling alright?" asked Ryan worriedly.

"Yes." nodded Captain Read.

"You have been driving the camper so much when you were navigating any places you travel," said Ryan.

"I know. I couldn't get enough sleep." yawned Captain Read.

"Yeah, we were worried that you might get tired," said Scott.

"Okay. Where are we going?" asked Rebecca.

"We are going skydiving," answered Granny Fernandez.

"Really?" thought Rebecca surprisingly.

"Of course." nodded Granny Fernandez.

"I love the height, even Gregory does. But Ryan was afraid of heights since he was very little," explained Rebecca, revealing that Ryan has had a fear of heights since he was very young.

"Oh dear, I'm so sorry." gasped Granny Fernandez, feeling sorry for Ryan.

"Of course, he was able to overcome it," replied Rebecca.

"We are going to Skydive New Mexico," said Granny Fernandez.

"Really!" excited Rebecca and Granny Fernandez nods cheerfully.

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