Day Five

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On day five, April 30, it was already morning on the day of another road trip this time with the Espiritu family just before the Cinco de Mayo celebration. On their way to embark on a road trip before Cinco de Mayo, everyone is packing their things into the RV and preparing for their road trip with the hunters, they are also helping each other pack their stuff into their respective vans. Luke gathers the things of the Espiritu family into the RV and Dianna helps Felix by carrying him into the camper while he is in the wheelchair. After packing the things into the caravan, Luke and the other Espiritu family members walk inside and get in. Meanwhile, Annabelle gathers and retrieves the utensils and silverware with her, walks back inside the caravan, and enters it. At the same time, on their way to their road trip, the children gather the tents, sleeping bags, pillows, and stuffed animals, walk to the camper, and get inside while Scott closes the door immediately. Along with Fernando and Roberto by their sides, the kids march to the closet, load the belongings inside, and close it, they go to the couch and sit on it while Sarah and Kim sit on the floor. Patiently staying inside the camper with his friends, Scott takes out a remote control, points at the screen TV, presses the button, and turns on the TV.

"Guau, nunca antes habíamos visto esa pantalla de televisión en la caravana, Scott. Podemos ver la televisión todo el día y la noche." amazed Fernando.

"Yep, we can watch the cartoon all day and night whatever we want," remarked Ryan cheerfully.

"Yeah." nodded Scott.

"And what about Ferdinand and Nina?" asked Ryan, turning to Scott.

"They will stay inside the camper for a while," replied Scott. It is revealed that the two bulls were inside the second closet which was a portal to a secret base where Lucy and Annika stay for a while.

"Great." sighed Scott.

"By the way, they never speak English?" Flynn doesn't understand Fernando and Roberto speaking in Spanish.

"Lo hicimos, siempre hablamos en español," replied Fernando, sitting on the couch cheerfully.

"Si hay dulces que tienes?" requested Roberto.

"Of course, I got a bag of kompeitō candies," replied Kim, taking out a bag of kompeitō and giving it to Roberto.

"Gracias." thanked Roberto, eating kompeitō while sharing with his brother.

"You're welcome." grinned Kim.

"Yeah, I can't wait to celebrate Cinco de Mayo together," said Ryan cheerfully.

"Yep, I hope that it will be alright." sighed Scott, rolling his eyes.

Then, everyone takes out the keys, inserts them into the keyhole, twists them around, and starts the engines, they take the wheels, step on the pedals with their left feet, and pull the levers gently, speeding off somewhere and returning to the road. Resuming their navigation for the road trip before Cinco de Mayo, the group steers the wheel and concentrates on driving the vehicles respectively, traveling across New Mexico to look for a place again. Navigating any places to choose from, Captain Read begins to look through the GSP map app on his cell phone also hangs on the holder while he is driving, he is bored of going on the lame road trip he has been through with everyone and the kids, he spends a few minutes looking for a place for his latest vacation to relax. But then, he comes across a gas station beside a convenience store. Upon seeing the convenience store in the gas station, Captain Read sighs in relief, turns the RV around, and heads to the gas station instead of going to detour with the others as he sets out to the gas station to get some snacks for the boys.

"Captain Read! Wait!" whooped Luke, turning the wheel and going after Captain Read, following him into the gas station to catch up. The two RVs reach the gas station, arrive at the parking lot, and park respectively. They unfasten their seatbelts, get up from their seats, walk to the door, and open them, exiting the campers.

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