Day Three

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On day three, April 28, the next day after the serious incident at a wrestling training that left Luke black eye on his left eye while he was preparing for the Cinco de Mayo wrestling tournament rather than folk dancing with Annabelle. Inside the house, it was already morning, Granny Fernandez was in the kitchen cooking breakfast for the children and her grandson, the kids and the crew of pirates were sitting at the table in the dining room early, but some of the crew were sleeping and tired and Gregory was energetic enough to couch and train Luke for a wrestling tournament. Cooking breakfast for the children and the pirates, Granny Fernandez was helped out by Annabelle and together they made something special for them easily. Just then, Bella and Percy enter the dining room and they have come for breakfast, they walk to the table and sit on the chairs along with the children and the pirates. As the pair were sitting at the table with everyone, Luke came into the dining room with a still black eye on his left eye and was holding a pack of ice on his eye, he saw his grandmother and girlfriend cooking breakfast for everyone, and he sighs in dismay and walks to the table, sitting on the chair.

"Hey, Luke, good morning." greeted Scott sadly.

"Mañana." sighed Luke grumpily.

"How it's going?" asked Scott.

"How is your eye?" asked Ryan, feeling sorry Luke sustained a black left eye.

"It's fine." scoffed Luke disdainfully, maintaining a black left eye, he wasn't happy about the injury last night and cannot forgive Captain Read for beating him up.

"Thanks a lot, Uncle Gregory." berated Ryan, turning his great-uncle, crossing his arms, and frowning angrily.

"I'm sorry. I just trying to train him," said Captain Read.

"El desayuno esta servido!" called Granny Fernandez, she and Annabelle finally finished cooking a special breakfast for everyone, they were holding the trays of special breakfasts consisting of huevos rancheros, chilaquiles, huevos a la mexicana, huevos motuleños, huevos divorciados, enchiladas enmoladas, spicy chilaquiles, and huevos con chorizo, they set them on the table for everyone and Annabelle puts a jug of orange aguas frescas on the table.

"Good morning Luke." greeted Annabelle gleefully, but also worried about Luke's well-being.

"Hi, Belle." frowned Luke, looking away from Annabelle regretfully, he crossed his arms and frowned grumpily.

"I'm so sorry, Luke. Maybe you should be careful not to get hurt." sniffed Annabelle sadly.

"Yeah, dude. It's okay that you should stay strong," said Ryan, eating spicy chilaquiles, he took a mug of orange aguas frescas and sipped it.

"I need more," said Kim, pouring a huge amount of hot sauce onto the plate of huevos con chorizo, scooping it, and eating it.

"Yep, I prefer mild food," said Sarah, eating mild chilaquiles properly with utensils but was annoyed when she saw Scott barbarically eating a morning burrito and chugging a hot sauce, "Excuse me, can you use a spoon and fork please?" she asked Scott to use utensils properly but he refuses and wolfs them down.

"Hey guys, we have to go now. We are gonna be late for rehearsal," announced Percy, he and Bell are ready for rehearsal at Cinco de Mayo entertainment.

"Yeah, I think so," added Bella.

"Fine. I'll go wrestling." sighed Luke seriously.

"Oh Luke, I think you should not fight. It's hard to decide for sure." sniffed Annabelle.

"Belle, it's okay, I'm fine," replied Luke, then Lloyd, Hope, and John showed up, having returned to their teammates after skydiving.

"Hi." greeted Lloyd.

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