Day Nine

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On day nine, May 4, it was a final test before attending the tournament in Cinco de Mayo, it was already morning, inside the astral plane where all of the children were sitting on each chair when they spectated Luke's final test to become a wrestler. Scott and Ryan are worried for Luke's safety that he might get hurt once again since Annabelle was not around but they are sure that he would be alright as long as he completes his final test before attending the wrestling tournament. Flynn was upset that he never got a chance to become a wrestler because Luke Kim and Sarah were counting on the hunter, knowing that they would win the tournament somehow. Just then, there was a wrestling ring where Captain Read was there, waiting for Luke to come into the ring for the rematch. On the red ropes, a familiar silhouette comes into the wrestling ring and steps out of the shadow thus revealing to be none other than Luke who was once again donning Alejandro's clothing as a wrestling outfit he needed in case. To their dismay after seeing Luke dressed as Alejandro, the kids become increasingly worried for him, and they are sure that he might be in big trouble.

"Luke! Why are you wearing as Alejandro?" thought Scott.

"Sort of." shrugged Luke, denying everything about Alejandro.

"Be careful." reminded Ryan.

"I know." sighed Luke, ready to wrestle with Captain Read.

On the final test in wrestling training, Luke and Captain Read face to face with each other, bend their knees, hinge at their waists, align their shoulders, knees, and toes, and place their hands on them while bending their elbows, thus posing a wrestling stance. Soon, the bell rings, and Luke and Captain Read circle around the canvas as the kids cheer for them and count on them, the duo keeps circling around and around until they approach and charge at each other but Luke eventually rushes to tackle Captain Read but he was too weak to tackle his opponent down and is tackled to the ground by him. Tackled to the ground, Luke suddenly felt that his neck was grappled by Captain Read squeezing his neck with his arm, he choked and pounds on the canvas in pain, struggling to breathe air. Captain Read lifts him in the air, throws him to the canvas, and knocks him down while the kids look and clamor at them in awe, fearing for Luke when he is wrestled by Captain Read.

"Luke! You can do it! Don't let us down!" whooped Ryan fearfully.

"Luke!" cheered Scott anxiously.

"Right." panted Luke weakly, getting up from the canvas. He moves left and right to dodge Captain Read's fist trying to strike and punch him in the face.

"Nice try, kid. You have to learn more about wrestling." chuckled Captain Read sarcastically.

"Not anymore." gritted Luke, he roared, lashed his fist, and tried to strike Captain Read to punch him only to get blocked by his palm and restrain him from punching him, "What?" he thought in dismay before he was punched in the face by Captain Read.

"Luke!" the kids gaped in worry.

"No!" worried Kim, fearing for her friend.

"Gah!" yelped Luke, bleeding his nose but he wiped it off of his nose with his arm.

"Way a go, kid. You almost got hurt so bad." chuckled Captain Read pridefully.

"Never." coughed Luke, backing behind the three red ropes while coughing up.

"So what." scoffed Captain Read, he roared, sprinted out, and charged at Luke to wrestle again, but this time Luke flipped up, cartwheeled around, and landed on the post to dodge him.

"Hey." gritted Captain Read furiously.

Luke chuckles in relief climbs out of the post, and lands on the ground, he charges at Captain Read, leaps in the air, spins around, and tries to kick him down only for Captain Read to dodge and cause the hunter to fly out of the wrestling ring, and land on the ground, knocking himself down to the ground. He got up from the ground, climbed back into the wrestling ring, and got inside only to be punched in the face by Captain Read and knocked to the canvas again, he struggled to crawl for his life but he was grappled by Captain Read gripping his armpits with his arms and locking him up while grappling him. Luke winced in pain, squeezed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and groaned unable to get off of him before Captain Read flipped out and landed on the ground, knocking him down and letting him go. He coughed again, crawled on the canvas, and got up weakly but was knocked with a chair by Captain Read and collapsed on the ground again. The kids gasp and scream in worry watching Luke being weakened by Captain Read always beating him and wrestling him every time, they believe that Captain is victorious he was and they don't know what will happen to their friend.

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