Chapter 5

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The Realm's Delight was a term I was familiar with. I had read about the person and watched her story as well. And now that I was living it, the term was not just a term of endearment.

As the King's only child and that too a daughter, many Lords and their sons were assuming that marrying me would bring them great profits. A wife that could elevate them to kingly stature, a real... delight. I realized it on the day of my father's coronation and have hated it since.

It should not come as a surprise since the times that I live in now delegate women to only serving their husbands and pushing out children. For these men to see me as nothing more than a breeding stock was normal for them, not good but normal. Even if I happen to ride the deadliest dragon to ever exist since the Black Dread.

To keep my mind off these things I busied myself with training, reading and anything else that did not concern having to talk about husbands and sons. That proved to be tough since I sat in lessons with Alicent, Septa Eleanora loved reminding me that no matter how much I acted the man I was still a woman. One of these days I would feed her to Vhagar I swear it.

Merely a few months had passed since Father had become King and he had already started receiving either hints or outright proposals for my hand. Of course, I was never told of it by my father or my mother. That honour came from my uncle who did not have any qualms with telling me just what the world thought of me.

Daemon Targaryen was the Crown's Master of Coin and so far he'd been a bane in Ser Otto's existence. He loved to share the stories with me, about how he'd vex Ser Otto and how he was always trying to do what was good for the family. He'd tell me all about it over tea while gifting me trinkets from beyond the narrow seas, things he'd brought back as souvenirs from his travels. He cared for me, that much was clear for all to see. This care had yet to turn into anything more, for now just an uncle who loved his niece. Maybe if I get made heir, he'd try to seduce me to consolidate some power for himself. I was under no delusion that Daemon Targaryen had started with seduction for power but later had fallen for his niece. I won't be so easy to fall for his charms.


Half a month had passed since Father's coronation and tragedy had struck the capital. The wife of the Hand had passed away from a burst belly and her absence was being felt by those close to her, especially her daughter who adored her mother and wanted to be just like her.

People grieved in different ways, and Alicent's manner of grieving was to lock herself in her chambers and cry all day. She'd come out for food and her lessons, but other than that she would not step out even once. Her father had buried himself in his work to deal with his grief.

I was not having any of it anymore. There was a limit to how long a person could stay cooped up in their room before it became a detriment to their health.

That morning I entered her room earlier than I have ever woken up. She was still asleep, her hair a mess and her clutching a pillow in her arms and covers only coming up to her waist. It was adorable.

"Alright Lady rise and shine!" I exclaimed loudly, standing by her bed with a grin. She did not move and my grin became a frown. I bent over her and gently poked her cheek, "Hey, wake up."

Alicent did move this time and let out a small grumble. Her eyes opened slightly and I reeled back in pain when she hit me in the nose with a shout.

"Rhaenyra?!" the messy-haired girl asked sitting up and gawking at her friend who was clutching her nose. It was me, I was the friend clutching her nose. "Gods you gave me a fright" the girl muttered, rushing out of her bed to come and check up on me.

"I'm fine Alicent" I laughed at my reply. I was still in pain but gladly there was no blood, just a red nose.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, still checking on me as if looking for some injury.

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