Chapter 24

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The board was clearing up before me. Every piece that stood in my way fell one after the other. The Hightowers were gone and with them those that would attempt to start a war against me. There were still some that did not like a woman who was heir, but with my newest ally, I was sure they could be brought to my side.

The Conclave had pondered my offer and they had decided that such a partnership would be beneficial for the realm. Though they made it clear that they would observe, watch every move I make, and study every step I take. Their trust was conditional, which was better than nothing in my opinion.

The one to watch over me came back to the capital with, a trusted man from the seven on the Conclave, the man that wore the Mask of Yellow Gold.

He was a lilac-eyed older man in his late sixties, his silver-gold hair but wisps on his head, signs that he was balding. He had a long face and round shoulders, pale skin and falling on the side of frail. From how much we talked in and out of the council, he presented himself to be a wary man, quiet unless he was spoken to. He was blunt in his assessments but not to be cruel, dutiful and always carried a pinched sour look on his mouth.

The one to replace Orwyle was none other than Vaegon Targaryen, my great grand uncle.

The days after passed with little to no excitement. The new Grand Maester began his tenure by looking over the expenses of the Capital with Lord Beesbury. Before coming to the Capital the man had worn the Mask of Yellow Gold, which displayed his expertise in the area of economics. Eventually, he took over for the man when he died of natural causes the following year. The Council wanted to assign a new Master of Coin, but the Grand Maester was insistent that he could do the work of both Maester and Master of Coin. The exact words the Grand Maester used were brutal and didn't need to be repeated at the moment.

The little excitement that did erupt came from the marriages arranged for the children. With the Hightower threat neutralized and Alicent's and her kids' loyalties tied to me, I felt it was a good time to use them to gain more allies.

Aegon was already betrothed to Bethany Hightower as a way to ensure that Hightower's blood remained in Old Town. It was my way of showing that I did not hold a grudge against the entire bloodline for the sins of a few.

Helaena's hand was offered to Joffrey Arryn, who was the chosen heir to the current Lady of The Vale. Their wedding was a glorious occasion, held in the capital and done so in the way of the Seven. It was an emotional ceremony, seeing someone you've held since birth being wed off.

Aemond's betrothed was Cassandra Baratheon, the eldest daughter of Borros Baratheon. Cassandra was older than Aemond by a few years, the wait only happening because Aemond had yet to reach his majority.

Daeron had yet to be betrothed, but the search for a girl was in the works.

All three of the betrothals were fixed by me and Alicent. I was the heir and the one looking for allies, while Alicent was their mother. Though I did not tell Alicent that I was using her children to gain more allies, to her it was a show of an older sister who wanted only the best ones for her younger siblings.

As for my children, all three had found their betrothed, even young Baelon who was only one.

Aemon would marry Baela Velaryon, as was discussed between Lord Corlys and me all those years ago.

Viserra would marry Cregan Stark and assume the duties of the Lady of Winterfell. Cregan Stark was a widower who lost his wife in childbirth. Viserra was informed of the man's situation and only after she consented that the betrothal was finalized.

As for Baelon, his betrothal came more as a means to pacify the Westerlands, who were being more trouble than they were worth. It was not enough for them that the heir of their current Lord was a son, they also wanted a Western Lady as his wife. It was a headache to sort this issue, but in the end, both Tyland and I relented. Lord Reyne of Castamere had a daughter name Ceelia around the same time as I had Baelon, maybe a moon younger or older I'm not sure I remember that part right. But regardless of it, a betrothal between the two had been arranged and the Westerlands finally calmed down. But for how long who knew? They were being given too much, and both Tyland and I agreed.

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