Chapter 7

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Many would call me a coward. I knew when my mother was going to die, I knew the exact moment that it would happen. Yet I was not there when she passed away. I couldn't be there. I couldn't do it. I couldn't just watch her die. It did not matter whether I was allowed to be there or not, I simply couldn't watch her die.

It was the day after. Everyone that had arrived to celebrate the birth of my brother now mourn the death of the Prince that never lived and the Queen. Black was our colour, not the colour of House Targaryen but the colour of mourning. On a hill right by the pyre stood Vhagar, waiting for my command.

My mother and my brother were set on a pyre, wrapped tightly in bandages like a mummy. Except the arms and legs were bound together and not separately.

Father stood at the front of the crowd, closest to the pyre than all others. He looked distant, and couldn't even look at the bodies of my mother and my brother.

I was standing a bit behind my father, unable to get a grip on my emotions. Tears fell from my eyes but not a sound came from my mouth. Silent mourning, that's what I was doing. I was mourning the death of my mother and my brother in silence, the tears the only proof of it.

"They are waiting for you" I heard my uncle whisper barely because of the wind. He was standing behind me, choked up.

I wiped my eyes and looked around me. They were saddened by the death of my mother sure enough, but how many of them mourned their passing? How many of them truly cared for them and our family? I could think of at least two, the only two people to look me in the eye and show me that they were there for me. One was my aunt Rhaenys, who held her head up and glanced at my father with worry. The other was Alicent, who understood what I was going through and made it obvious through her gaze that she was right beside me.

"Iksan avy ivestragi kirimves daor issi, zaldrīzes henujagon jemagon se jevi Vojoso rhaenon."(I hope father finally found the happiness that he searched for in the few moments that my brother lived).

"Ziry sagon daor, ynoma zaldrīzes."(Your father needs you, no more than ever).

My father was standing alone, caressing the ring he had gifted my mother all those years ago. It was how things were between them, they would give each other small gifts on every occasion. Father spoiled Mother with jewellery while Mother dotted Father with little figurines that he adored.

I stepped forward, not towards the pyre but to my father. I grabbed the hand that held the ring, gripping it tight enough that he knew I was there. Our eyes met and I saw the pain in his. He was being strong, he had to be strong. He was the King and he couldn't break down in front of his subjects.

I turned my eyes away from Father to Vhagar, who was waiting patiently for my orders.


The dragon responded to my call, extending her neck and letting loose a torrent of green and bronze flames onto the pyre. I shut my eyes and let the heat wash over me.


The doors to the council room opened and Father walked in, followed by Ser Harrold and myself. The Councilors stood to greet him and Father greeted them back with a nod. He took his seat at the head of the table and I took my place by the table of wine.

"Your Grace, this is the last thing any of us wish to discuss at this dark hour," spoke the Hand of The King, "but I consider the matter urgent."

"What matter?" my father asked, whilst I poured wine into the cups of the men present.

"That of your succession" We all looked up when the words were uttered. "These recent tragedies have left you without an obvious heir."

"My father has an heir, Lord Hand" I stated calmly, and loud enough that my voice could be heard. "King Jaehaerys had made it certain that the throne shall pass on to the closest male kin. My uncle stands to inherit."

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