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Becky's POV

It's Saturday morning, I just woke up and went out from my room to meet my parents in the kitchen.

"Good morning Mom!!" I said to her while hugging her back, she just smiled at me.

"How about your daddy?" My dad said while pouting to me, i just laughed at him.

"Of course i won't forget my own dad, good morning my lovely dad," I said to him which makes him smile at me really bright.

"Mom, Dad, you told me yesterday that both of you want to talk to me about something, what is it?" At first they were focus eating their own food but suddenly they look at me when i brings the topic.

"So Becky... both of us had agreed that you will start your college life in Thailand," My dad spoke to me which makes me shocked.

"But why dad? Why should i moved to Thailand?" I asked my dad while feeling sad because my parent decided me to move to Thailand.

"Becky... our company almost bankrupt and i don't think i will be able to pay-" I cut him

"It's okay dad i understand, i will moved to Thailand to start my college there," I said to dad which makes him calmed down a bit but still showing his worried face.

"Will you be able to live there alone without us?" My mom ask me which makes me nod to her.

"Don't worry about me mom and dad, i can take care of myself and i will get a lot friends too!!" I said to them so they believed that i can take care of myself without my parents being there.

"If that's what you said then next week you will be leaving to Thailand," Dad said to me which i just nod.

I couldn't refuse what my parents order to me because i love my Mom and Dad so much.

I went to my friends house and told to them that next week i will be moving to Thailand, all of my friend were so sad but they still supporting me. We hug each other and bid our last goodbyes.

I kinda feel excited to moved to Thailand, it reminds me of her... my old friend who leaves me when we were still very young. But now i am 20 years old and still wonder if she still remember me. No Becky you should be positive, she already gave me a promise for not forgetting me. I wish i could find her sooner, i really miss her so much.

One week later

"Goodbye Mom and Dad, i'm going to miss both of you," i said while shedding tears.

"Both of us will miss you too, my daughter. Don't skip your breakfast and call us if you have arrived in Thailand" My mom said while hugging me, i nod to her and bid a goodbye to them before i went inside the airport.

"Take care of yourself Becky!!" My dad shouted which makes me laugh and then i went inside the airport.

It took a lot of hours to get to Thailand from England, finally i'm here. I immediately ordered a taxi and went to my apartment which was owned by my parents. The weather here is very good, not too hot but not too cold.

I arrived at my apartment and packed my clothes before i call both of my parents, they must be waiting for receiving a call from me. I took my phone and video call them.

"Hi Mom and Dad, i have arrived," I smile at them as bright as the sun.

"Thank goodness that you are safe," My dad said to me which makes me chuckled a bit.

"Don't worry dad i won't die that fast," I said to my dad which makes him laugh.

"Becky, don't forget to have a dinner and tomorrow is your first day of college, study well and be nice to everyone," My mom said, i nod to everything she says to me.

"Don't worry mom, i won't disappoint you," My mom and dad smiled at me.

"Mom, dad, i need to take a shower now, see you tomorrow and good bye!!!" I bid my goodbye to them and ended the call.

I'm very excited for tomorrow.


"Ring,Ring,Ring," my alarm bell rings, i woke up and took my shower for 15 minutes.

I had a breakfast and took my bag that has my books there and my laptop. I use my socks and shoes and ordered a taxi to Rangsit University.

When i arrived, i was surprised to see the university that my father registered to me. It was big and the building also nice, it fits me well. When i entered the university, everyone is staring at me. I'm actually kinda scared now because they kept looking at me but i just ignored them.

Suddenly a girl came and approach me, this girl is very pretty.

"Hello kid, are you new here?" The girl asked while speaking to me using english.

"Yes, could you help me find my class? I am class A," I said to the girl which makes her surprised.

"Yeayyy!!! I am Class A too so now i am one of your classmates, follow me!!" Said the girl, i want to ask her name but i am too shy.

"Here it is our lovely class, oh i forgot to introduce my self, hello my name is Irin," Irin said to me while smiling at me, i smiled back.

"Hello Irin nice to meet you, My name is Rebecca Patricia Armstrong, you can call me Becky," I smiled at her.

"Becky, let's sit together, i don't want you to be alone."


We busy talking with each others about ourselves and suddenly our teacher had came to our class and everyone immediately silence.

"Hello my students, as we can see we have a new students here, come here Rebecca," My teacher said to me in the class which makes me kinda scared.

"Umm... h-hello everyone m-my name is Rebecca Patricia Armstrong, you all can call me Becky," I said to all people in the class and i am scared.

"Everyone say hello to Becky and please treat her nice," everyone said hello to becky when the teacher told them to do it.

Good thing people in this university is very nice to me i'm kinda relieved.


Okay, part 1 is here sorry if i make mistake and broken english. I hope you enjoy my first FreenBecky story hehe and pls wait for part 2. I think i'll post part 2 a little bit late since i am busy this days, See you.

I Will Always Find You ~FreenBecky Where stories live. Discover now