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"Okay see you later Nam!! Also m-miss..," I shyly said that. I don't know why me and Freen always coincidentally met each other. But sadly she doesn't remember me.


"Freennn!!! I miss you so much!!" I hug Freen when she came to my house, we always hangout even tho we were still 4.

"I miss u too my little becbec, let's hangout to the nearest park in here," Freen grab my hand to the nearest park in the street.

"Hey look, there's a swing there!!" Said Freen while pulling my hand.

"But Freen, there are only 1 swing in here, You can play it first then," I said to Freen since i saw that Freen loves swing so much.

"No i don't want, i will not ride the swing unless you will ride it too."

"But how, there are only 1 swing here." I replied to her but suddenly she carried me to her lap and sat on the swing.

"Like this," Freen smiled teasingly.


"Don't worry, you're not heavy."

"NO, it's not about that Freen," I blushed but i know Freen won't let me down from this swing.

*end of flashback*

"I miss you so much Freen," I said in my mind, thinking that Freen will never love me the same like before.

"Hey Becky, are you alright?" Yuki asked me, oh i forgot that i am in my class right now. Alright Becky you have to be focus now, stop overthinking about that.

"Im okay Yuki, i just miss my family in England," I replied to her while showing my biggest smile.

"Thats the Becky i know," She smiled to me.

*ring ring ring*

"Oh our class has ended, lets go home!!!" Yuki excitingly said.

"No, i have to stop at the supermarket to buy my groceries," I said to Yuki.

"Oh okay, then see you tomorrow Becky," Yuki waved her hand to me.

"See you tomorrow too Yuki!!"

Now i have to go to the supermarket to buy groceries for dinner. I have no idea what i want to eat for my dinner, but that's fine i will decided it while buying the groceries. I ordered a cab to the nearest supermarket in here using my phone.

The cab has arrived, i went inside the cab and told the driver to drop me at the nearest supermarket. The supermarket is not really far away from here and my house.

At the supermarket i bought all of the items that i need but suddenly i accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oh my gosh, i'm so sorry, i didn't mean to bumped on you," I guilty said to the person that i bumped into, but wait, why the person is so familiar to me?

"It's okay young lady, it was just an accident after all," a man's voice came out from the person's mouth, Wait i know him!

"Nop is that you??" I suprisingly said to him and he also looked as suprised as i was.

I Will Always Find You ~FreenBecky Where stories live. Discover now