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It's already 8 p.m in the morning right now. I just woke up from my sleep and do my skincare routine in the morning as usual. I went outside of my room and saw that Freen was standing in front of my fridge, i wonder what is she doing there.

"Hey miss, morning," i said to her smilingly, she immediately looked at my direction.

"Stop being so formal to me," she said to me.

"What do you mean??" I asked her confusingly.

"You can just call me Freen, only if we're outside of the college. But you have to be formal with me in front of people, i warned you. I don't want people to create a stupid rumors," She said to me firmly and she's also being serious with this.

"Okay miss," i replied to her.

"I told you to stop being formal with me, just call me Freen!!" She is annoyed.

"Im sorry F-freen," i said in a whisper. She just sighed because i'm still not used to calling her Freen.

"I'm hungry," she said while rubbing her own stomach.

"Wait let me see what is inside the fridge, i will cook for you," i said to her smilingly.

"T-thanks," she stuttered and immediately ran away to her room. I wonder if i do something wrong to her?

*Freen's Pov*

"I'm hungry," i said while rubbing my own stomach.

"Wait let me see what is inside the fridge, i will cook for you," Becky replied to me while showing her big smile. I can't help but blush with her acts right now. How come she's so cute and pretty at the same time when she was smiling.

"T-thanks," i stuttered while saying this, omg this is so embarrassing Freen!! I ran away to my room because i can see that my face started to blush. I saw that Becky is so confused with my act.

After calming myself down, i decided to went outside of my room. I saw that Becky has finished cooking the breakfast. When she saw me, she immediately call me to eat with her.

"Here you go miss, i have done cooking our breakfast," She said and i'm so annoyed because she keeps forget to not call me miss again.

"I told you many times to not calling me miss, just call me Freen," I sighed while saying this.

"Sorry f-freen," she apologetically said this.

Since she has cooked me a breakfast, i forgive her. She cooked me a sandwich and omelette, it looks very fantastic and delicious. I can't wait to eat them.

"Wow it's so delicious," i said to Becky and she just smiled at me while feeling shy.

"Thanks Freen," she finally said my name and i'm happy that she called me that.

But i don't like when people who are not close with me calling me with my names. But with Becky it's an exception. I feel like there was something interesting about Becky that pulled me to get closer with her. This is strange and never happens before in my life. I wonder what is wrong with me right now.

"Hey are you okay Freen? It seems like you were spacing out," she asked me worriedly and i don't know why i like it when she cares about me.

"I am okay don't worry, i was just thinking about how good you are for cooking all of this," i flirted with her, wait what is wrong with me?? Why my mouth talks by itself. I was about to say sorry to her but she already reply to me by saying thank you.

"T-thank you," she stuttered and blushed, i could see her face turning into a tomato. I can't help to blush too with my own acts right now, that was so ridiculous. She is so cute when she was blushing, i want to tease her more.

"With your cooking i know in the future you will be a good mom," i teased her.

"R-really, t-thank you," she blushed even harder right now and i couldn't help to laughed to her.

"Stop laughing at me Freen!!" She cutely say this while pouting.

"You're so cute while doing that," i teased her more and she was already as red as the tomato. This time she ran away to her room and shut the door very quickly. I can't help but laughed out loud because she doesn't know that she's actually not scary but cute whenever she is mad.

Since we have finished the breakfast i decided to wash the dishes and get ready to take a shower. The water is so cold and fresh at the same time.
After finished taking a shower, i wear the clothes that were given by Becky last night. Good thing it fits with my body.

After that i dry my hair and do my skincare routine. After finishing all of the morning stuff, i decided to went outside of the room and trying to find Becky. She was already in the living room watching the Tv, she watch the cartoon named "We Bare Bears."

"Hey what are you doing," i asked her and she was quite surprised that i was here already.

"Watching the Tv obviously," she rolled her eyes and looking back at the tv.

"I didn't know that you were this rude," i said to her smilingly while trying to sit beside her. Good thing she let me to sit beside her.

"Do you like this cartoon so much?" I asked her to try gaining her focus to me. She still looking at the Tv and ignore my question. I started to feel jealous with this stupid cartoon.

"Hey thats not polite for ignoring someone's question," I said to her and she finally looked at me.

"Yes i love this cartoon so much, the bears were so cute!!! I want to hug them," She is very happy when she was talking about the cartoon. Okay i'm really jealous with the bears now.

"You can just hug me," i said it confidently and she immediately look at me blankly.

"You're not as comfy as them, i don't want to hug you!" Becky replied to me and i couldn't believe that she rejected my offers.

"That bears were not real and you can't hug them!!"

"It's real!! They were big and fluffy than you, why would i want to hug you?" she said this while smirking. I admit that this girl is so brave.

Since i was very annoyed and feeling very jealous right now, i hugged her and proved her that i am more comfy than the bears.

When i hugged her I could hear that my heart beats very fast and loud right now. I just realized about what i did. I can see that Becky also feeling the same as me, she is already as red as the tomato. I pulled back the hug, but i was very surprised when Becky hugged me back and didn't want me to let go of the hug.

"Please don't let go of the hug," Becky begged.


That's the end of this chapter, I am so sorry if there are some words that were grammatically wrong. I hope you enjoy this chapter and stay tuned for the next chapter!! I would be happy if you Comment and Vote. See you in the next chapter!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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