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"Get out from my room!!" Freen shouted at me.

Now i am in the restroom right now trying to hold my tears from falling to my cheeks.

I cannot believe that she is really rude to me, i thought that she changed when she was helping me escape from the crowd. I was wrong.

"Seems like she has forgotten me," i said but suddenly i heard someone wants to open the restroom door, so i wipe my tears quickly before the person could see me.

"Oh Becky you are here," Nam greet me.

"Yeah," i simply replied.

"What happen to you, why are you looking so sad?" She ask me but i am not in a mood to talk with someone right now.

"It's nothing don't worry, i will go back to my class now," i bid a goodbye to her and left. I hope she don't misunderstood me.


"Becky is so weird today what happen to her," i said to myself and confuse why her mood is so bad right now. I think there is something wrong with her, is it because about what happen in this morning? But she looks okay when many people crowding her. Maybe i should ask Freen because maybe she know about something that happen in this morning.

I left the restroom and trying to find Freen. Suddenly i heard people gossiping and of course I LOVE GOSSIP. My legs suddenly move by its own to the people who gossiping.

"HELLO spill the tea," i am being friendly to them and of course they are surprised and confused because we didn't even know each other.

"Umm its about our president," The girl replied.

"Huh our Thailand president?" i confused.

"NO!! not that one but em... miss president.." The girl finally said.

"Huh Freen?? Why she always becomes people gossiped," i ask myself.

"What happen to her."

"She acts very weird today in this morning."

"What did she do?"

"She just helped a girl name Becky to escape from the crowd since Becky is being crowded and drag her to somewhere we don't know, this is very weird because she never did that to any of us or even want to help us. Because we know that she is very cold and she don't even care about anyone else!!" She said that with full emotion but not the angry one but like a confused face.

"WHATTT!!??" I am also shocked upon hearing this. Freen never do that to anyone else even myself.

"Here is the proof if you don't trust me," she handed me her phone that shows a video.

Now i am fully trust this girl because i know they never dare to edit about Freen.

"NO WAY THIS IS HAPPENING, since when she become sympathetic to people. This is weird," i ask myself and confused but i think i'm going to tease her a little bit.

"Oi why are u smirking now, are u okay," the girl ask me, i am embarrassed right now.

"It's nothing hehe thank you for spilling the tea and see you later," i bid her goodbye and quickly ran to the president's council room because i know that she is there.


I enter her room without knocking the door and she is very surprised and kinda mad.

"What the hell are you doing here Nam!??" Freen look so furious now.

"Spill the tea?" I replied.

"What do you mean? Stop joking i am very busy right now."

"I saw that you help the girl that you hate the most to escape from the crowd, now i wonder where is she now," i tease her while smirk.

"Whose girl? Stop talking nonsense go away!!"

"Stop being dumb, I know you help Becky in this morning."

"Wait how do you know?"

"Ugh you are so out of date!! The news is everywhere."

"WHATT!??" She is shocked.

"Wow you are such a heroic, i didn't even know that my best friend can actually do that. MY BEST FRIEND ALSO NEVER EVEN WANT TO HELP ME WHEN I NEED HER HELP." I sarcastically said that and Freen is so funny because she don't know how to respond.

"Its because someone didn't obey the rule so of course i punish him for doing that, it's not because i want to help her, i don't care about her."

"Stop lying Freen wait a minute do you like her?" i act like i am surprised but actually i am teasing her.


"Now i know why she didn't even want to escape from the crowd because she want the attention from the crowd, i already have told you many times Nam she is attention seeker but you don't trust me!!" She said to me, now i am furious at her.

"What the hell are you talking about Freen, she is not an attention seekers!! Why are you always being so rude to people around you, i thought that you are changed when i heard that you help that girl, but i was wrong. I am very disappointed at you Freen." I said cannot believe that she talks rude to Becky like that.

"Why are you suddenly taking her side, she is a manipulative person and i know it!!"

"How do you know, do you even have a proof?" I ask Freen and she is struggling to explain.

"Well everyone could see that so i don't need to give you a proof!"

"This is why people around you doesn't like you."

"What do you mean by that and how dare you saying like that to me!!"

"Just realize it by yourself and last thing do you already apologized to her?"

"No and i will never ever apologize to her, why would i?" She confidently said that.

"No wonder Becky looks so sad in this morning," at this moment i am so done with her so i just left her and shut the door very hard. She is completely surprised.

"I cannot believe her," i said to myself.

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