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Note: I will change Irin become Yuki

Becky's POV

I sit beside Yuki, Yuki is very nice to me. She treats me very well and introduced me to her friends. One of her friends name is Nam.

"Oi Nam, this is Becky. She is a new student here, Also she is half Thai half British."

"Half Thai half British!?? Hello Becky my name is Looknam Orntara but you can call me Nam," Nam smile at me.

As i saw her face i know that she is a nice person.

"Hello Nam, my name is Becky and nice to meet you," i smiled.

After our meet, we decided to have lunch together. Yuki told me that she invite her other friends too.

At Lunch

We have found an empty table and three of us immediately sit there. The other friends of Yuki have arrived and confused because of my presence.

"Who is this pretty girl?" One of Yuki's friend asked.

"Oh Tee this is Becky, she is new student here and also half thai half british," Nam told to Tee which makes him surprised.

"Really? Nice to meet you Becky, my name is Tee and this girl beside me is Kade," Tee told to me and Kade also greet me.

"Hello Tee and Kade my name is Becky, i hope we can be friends."

"What do you mean? We are friends already, Hahaha," Tee jokes to me i just smiled.

After that we have our lunch together. We talk about ourselves and some funny things. Honestly they are very funny people and loud while me just silently laugh at them.

Lunch break is over, we immediately prepared to go back to our own class. They asked for my call id and i gave it to them. We bid our goodbyes and went to our own class.

*Class Over*

Now me and Yuki are outside the class, we are very tired.

"Today is very tiring, i can't wait to sleep on my lovely bed," Yuki said i just laugh.

"Yeah me too, i'm very tired right now. Later at home i will take a rest."

"Don't forget to contact me if you arrived, okay?"

"Yes don't worry and i think i need to go home now, my cab has arrived," i waved to her.

"Okay, see you tomorrow Becky!!"


When I arrived I immediately took a shower and do my homework. It's tiring but it's okay because i need to do this to achieve my dream which is become a Lawyer.

Suddenly i remembered about my past, the past of me and my old friend. Yes... her name is Freen. She is my old friend and very close to me but she need to moved to Thailand because of her parent. I really miss her i wish i can meet her again because she promised to visit me at England but she didn't. Suddenly i felt asleep because of the tiredness.

(Tomorrow at school)

"Good morning Becky!!" Yuki approached me.

"Hey!! Did you finish your homework?" I asked


"Haishhh, here just copy my homework."

"Are you sure?? Omg Becky you are so kind thankyou!!!!" Irin then took my book from my hand.

"Sure" I said sarcastically.

When me and Yuki was about to move our own body to our class, suddenly someone bumped me which cause both of us fall.

"Ugh!!" I whimpered.

"WTF!?!! DO YOU HAVE EYES?? USE YOUR EYES WHEN YOU ARE WALKING STUPID!!!" the girl that bumped me shouted.

"But you are the one that bumped me which cause both of us fall," I said while my tears was about to fall.

"HOW DARE YOU TALKING BACK TO ME!!!" She kept shouting which make lot of student watching us with terrified face. I cried.

"Sorry Miss she is my friend, she didn't mean to bumped you so please forgive her" Yuki told to the girl.

"Fine but next time if you repeat it again you will get the consequences!!"

After that both of us went to the washroom.


"It's okay Yuki, it was my fault," i said while sobbing.

"How dare she do this to my best friend just because she is from the rich family."


"Yes, she is a Chankimha who is one of the richest family in Thailand."

"Wait Chankimha??"

"Yes, do you know Chankimha?"

"It's kinda familiar to me hmm.... Wait!! One of my old friend who left me has Chankimha in her names!!"

"Huh!? HAHAHAHHAHAH gosh you are so funny Becky," Yuki laughed at me.

"What do you mean?"

"There's no way you befriend with one of the Chankimha's Becky."

"What do you mean by that?"

"The girl that bumped you at the corridor is the only child of the Chankimha's."

'Wait what!? So is she Freen who is my childhood friend at England?'

"Who is her name?" I asked Yuki to make sure if it's true that she is my childhood friend.

"Her name is Freen Sarocha Chankimha."

I was shocked that she is the one who bumped me and couldn't believe that i finally found her after she left me to Thailand.

But wait what happen to her? Why her attitude was so different compared to her attitude when both of us are still very close. She also talking rude to me and the Freen i know is a person who easily forgiving people and a kind-hearted person. Wait a minute, don't tell me that freen has forgotten me. My face immediately went pale.

"Hey Becky what happen to you, why your face suddenly went pale?" Yuki asked feeling concerned.

I went back to reality.

"Oh i'm fine Yuki, Don't worry about that."

"Are you sure? Then let's go to the class before our teacher scold us for being late."

I Will Always Find You ~FreenBecky Where stories live. Discover now