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After we finished eating, we didn't dare to brought the conversation about that again. All of us afraid that Nam will be angry, so we just kept silent.

Since the lunch time has over, we went to our own class, not forget to bid each other a goodbye.


"Oi Freen!! What kind of stupid things that have you done to them, why are u guys fighting to each other!??" Said Nam while mad at me.

"Shut up Nam, it's their fault though, the girl who act innocent bumped on me!!" i said to Nam.

"Stop lying Freen, i already know the truth." Nam said to me which makes me surprised.

"What do you mean??"

"I've seen it already the video about what happened yesterday between you and Becky."

"Huh, how did you get that?"

"It's none of your business and it's clear already that it was you who bumped into her but why you don't want to admitted it?"

"Well, it's her fault for blocking my way, so it's not entirely my fault."

"No matter what, you still have to apologize to her!"

"Why would i do that?"

"Can you just do what i say?? I heard you talking bad to her in the toilet." Nam seems very mad at me.

"How did you know that, are you stalking me!?"

NAM'S POV (flashback)

"Why my lipstick always ruined!? This is so annoying!!" I immediately went to the toilet to fix it.

But i was surprised to hear Freen and Becky's voice from outside the toilet door so i didn't go in to the toilet.

"Wow got detention already?? You deserved that," Freen said to Becky and laughed.

"I'm sorry about what happened in this morning, i didn't mean to bumped on you," i heard Becky said that to Freen.

"Stop apologizing to me, i know you bumped into me on purpose."

"No, i will never do that to someone even if i hate that person."

"Stop lying, Aish... it's useless to talk to someone who her face looks like a trash," Freen said to Becky that makes me become very mad at Freen, how dare she talking rude to Becky!? Suddenly i heard her footsteps so i immediately left the toilet.

'How dare you being rude to Becky, Freen!?' i said to myself.

*end of the flashback*


"It was fact though, she acts kind to people so thats why i called her a trash."

"Are you jealous because of her kindness to people?"

"Are you kidding me, Nam? Why would i jealous of her, she is just a trash for me!!" Freen said to me which made me become so mad at her.

"I don't care about what you said, don't you dare talk to me if you haven't apologized to her," i left her after saying this.

"WHAT THE HELL NAM!??" she shouted very loud that can be heard by me but i just ignored her. She deserves it.


"WHAT THE HELL NAM!??" I shouted very loud so my voice can be heard by her but she just ignored me!?? How dare she!!

Ugh, now i don't have friends to talk with, i suddenly remembered Tee. Haha Nam, do you think that you are my only friend? Then you are wrong.

I Will Always Find You ~FreenBecky Where stories live. Discover now