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"No and i will never ever apologize to her, why would i?" I confidently said that.

"No wonder Becky looks so sad in this morning," Nam said this to me, left me and shut the door very hard. I am completely surprised.

"Wait what does she mean by that? Why would Becky sad when she is completely okay in this morning," I ask myself and wondering.

"Anyway why would i care about her, she is not really important," then i turn off my laptop and went to the library to calm myself down. I really love reading books.

In the library, i coincidentally saw Becky who is struggling to take the book from the shelves because she cannot reach it.

"That's your fault for being short," i said this in my mind. But i just realized that her height and my height is almost the same, but i am taller.

Suddenly my feet move by its own to where Becky is.

"Here," i helped her to take the book from the shelves, she was surprised when she saw me and i also surprised because what i did just now.

"What are you doing Freen," i am screaming in my mind.

"Oh... M-Miss P-President, t-thankyou.." She stuttered a lot, yes you better scared of me girl.

"I do this not because i want to help you, but it's because you are short. Don't misunderstood me," I said this to her and she is confused.

"O-Oh Okay miss.. um but our height is almost the same miss, just a little difference. So, does that mean you also call yourself short?" She said that innocently to me that makes me very mad at her right now.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!??" I am furious at this moment.

"I am so sorry miss, i didn't mean to say that. Please forgive me," She apologized to me and almost tearing up.

Now i feel guilty to her, i don't know why my heart suddenly melted.

"Don't cry," i said while wiping her tears using my hand. She look so surprised with my action. Why is that weird?

"I am so sorry miss," she keep apologizing me with her puppy eyes but i just ignore her and left. Sorry i know i am rude.

I went to the restroom and looked at myself in the mirror, i just realized that i am blushing.

"What happened to me, why am i become like this when i am with her," i am screaming in my mind right now and i keep rubbing my cheeks.


"I am so sorry miss," i apologize to her because i know that she is very mad at me. I think i went too far because of my joke.

But unfortunately she just left me without saying anything. Screw me, she hates me now. But why her face look so red, is she sick?? I hope she is okay.

Actually i kinda surprised by her action earlier, she just wiped my tears!! Is she starting being kind to me..? But her face telling me that she hates me so much. I know this is my fault. I hold my tears from falling down because i don't want people see me crying here.

I Will Always Find You ~FreenBecky Where stories live. Discover now