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*In Freen's car*

Now me and Freen are already in the car. The atmosphere is so quiet, the only noise we can hear was only the sound of the Car Ac. Since i don't want the atmosphere to be this awkward, i try to talk with her.

"Hey Freen, thanks btw for driving me home," I said to her while trying to look at her beautiful face.

"Hmm.." She hummed, without looking back at me. That was so cold of you Freen.

"By the way about that guy, Nop, he is my best friend since we were in a high school," I said to her, trying to stop her from ending this conversation.

"I know and i don't care," she coldly replied.

'Oh Gosh that was kinda scary,' I said in my head.

"Oh okay Sorry, By the way i wonder why are you in the grocery store?" I asked kindly.

"Of course to buy some groceries, what do you expect??" She seems annoyed. I can't blame her tho.

"Oh okay." I guess i have to stop and just take a rest.

We already arrived at my home, i fell asleep in freen's car. I was very tired. Suddenly someone tapped my shoulder to wake me up from my sleep. It was Freen.

"Hey wake up, we have arrived at your place." She said to me, i slightly opened my eyes and yes it is true that we have arrived at my home.

"Sorry for falling asleep miss, i didn't mean to do that," i said apologetically.

"It's okay you're just tired, i can see," she said. Why is she suddenly saying something kind to me, is she starting to care about me? I turn on my phone and saw that it was already around 10 p.m.

"Miss it's been already late and dark right now, why don't you just stayed at my house??" I bravely asked this to her while my heart was beating very fast. Omg why are u saying this Becky!?

"Sure, since tomorrow i don't have any classes, i'm okay with that," she replied. I was so shocked, no way Freen accepted my request. Oh My God!!!

She parked her car, i waited for her so both of us can go inside together.

"A-about the clothes i can spared u mine," I said to her hopefully that she accepted my other request.

"Ok thank you," She kindly replied to me while smiling at me. Wait did she just smiled at me..?? Is this a dream!?!?

"Hey why are u just standing right there, show me the room!"

"Sorry i was spacing out, follow me." I said to her while pointing the room where she will sleep, this is so embarrassing.

After giving her my pajamas and other stuff that she needs for bath, i bid her good night before i went to my room to sleep.

Before sleeping i call my parents, i really miss them. It's been a long time since i called them.

"Hey Mom and Dad!! What are both of you doing?" I asked my parents in the call while smiling at them. I am video call with them right now.

"We're doing great!! Both of us just finished our dinner," Both of them answered to me through the video call.

"Me too, by the way want to know something mom, dad?" I asked them while trying to stop myself from smiling.

"Freen is staying at my house!!" I said excitedly to them.

"Really?? How is that possible, is Freen already knows who you are??" They asked, but suddenly i feel disappointed.

"What happen Hunny?" They asked worriedly.

"Nothing mom and dad, Freen still don't know who am i, but she is staying here because she drive me home. But since it was too late, i told her to stay at my place," I smirking while saying that.

"Wow your idea was very great, i'm proud of you," My dad said that. I am also proud of myself.

"By the way mom, dad, i have to sleep," I said to them.

"Okay then, Goodnight Becky," They replied to me.

"Goodbye too mom, dad!!" I ended the video call and immediately went to sleep.

*Freen's Pov*

"Ok thankyou," I replied to Becky while smiling at her. Wait why do i smile?? No way how is this happening, am i sick right now??

"Hey why are u just standing right there, show me the room!" I asked her firmly. I am so tired right now i need to sleep.

"Sorry i was spacing out, follow me," she pointed the room where i am going to sleep. The room was kinda comfortable and big enough for one or two people. The room also has a bathroom. This is enough for me.

She gave me her pajamas and other stuffs that i need for my bath and i am so thankful to her for this. She bid a good night to me and went back to her room, i guess she was going to sleep since i saw her that she was very tired.

I was about to replied her good night with other good night but i was too shy and late, she already went inside her room, i'm kinda disappointed.

It's already 1 a.m in the morning here and i couldn't sleep. Whenever i tried to close my eyes, i keep remembering the scene in the grocery store.

"What are you doing Freen, you're just embarrassing yourself!!!" I scream in my head, about how reckless i am.

Why am i fighting with that guy just because of a girl, what exactly i am feeling right now?? I am very confused with my act this days.



That's the end of this chapter, Sorry if there are some words that were grammatically wrong. I hope all of you enjoyed this chapter and stay tuned for the next chapter of this story!! I would be happy if you also comment and vote for this chapter!! GoodBye!!!

I Will Always Find You ~FreenBecky Where stories live. Discover now