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"All right guys take out your math book and open your book on page 143," My math teacher instructed us.

Yes now i'm studying math, Among all of the student in the class, i am more smarter than them. I usually always the one who answered the question that was given from my teacher. But today was different.

"Since no one can answer for number 2, Becky, can you answered it?" My math teacher asked but i space out.

"Um.. Becky?" My teacher called me again but i didn't hear her.

"i said BECKY!!!" She shouted at me which make all of the students in the class including me surprised.

"Oh Ms, i'm sorry i didn't hear you," i spoke.


"I'm sorry Ms," is the only word that i can say.

"Since you break my rule, detention for you, NOW CLEAN THE TOILET!!" She shouted while pointing the door as she told me to go outside of the class.

I immediately went outside of the class and holding my tears so it won't fall.

I clean the toilet from the third floor first until the first floor. I'm very tired and it was already lunch time.

'Wow i just spent 4 hours just to clean this freakin toilet'

When i finished cleaning the toilet, suddenly someone entered the toilet and i kinda surprised to see who it was. It was Freen.

"Wow got detention already?? You deserved that," She laughed at me but i just smiled at her while hiding my pain inside.

"I'm sorry about what happened in this morning, i didn't mean to bumped on you," i said to her.

"Stop apologizing to me, i know you bumped into me on purpose."

"No, i will never do that to someone even if i hate that person."

"Stop lying, Aish... it's useless to talk to someone who her face looks like a trash," she said then left me at the toilet.

I cried hearing the word that she said to me. I cannot believe that the Freen i know is being rude to me. Suddenly my phone ring, i wonder who called me.

"Hey Becky, where are you?? Are you still cleaning the toilet? Let's s have a lunch first," It was Yuki who call me.

"Yuki, I don't think i can join you for the lunch, I want to go home now, i am not feeling well."

"What happen to your voice Becky?? Are you okay??" She asked feeling concerned to me.

"I'm okay Yuki, i'm just tired so i think i need to get a rest."

"If thats what you want then please take care yourself."

"Okay, see you," I ended the call.


I finally arrived at my apartment feeling very tired. I cannot believe that Freen has forgotten me, she promised to me that she would never forget me but she just broke the promise. Now i'm crying in my room.

Suddenly i remembered my parents so i called them. I miss them so much, it's already 2 weeks since last time i called them. So i dialed my mom's phone number.

"Hey sweetheart, what happen to you? Why are you crying??" My mom asked in the call conversation.

"Mom.. S-she broke her promise," I said to my mom in the call, i sob.

"What do you mean?? Don't hesitate to talk to me, i will always listening you."

"Freen, s-she has forgotten me," i cried.

"She really forget you? But both of you are very close to each other, what happen??"

"Apparently we both went to the same university and we accidentally met. We met because we accidentally bumped to each other, but when we bumped she is very mad at me and talking rude to me. But i already apologized to her but it seems she is still mad at me. At first i didn't know that it was Freen but i asked my friend who is the name of the girl that i bumped then my friend told me that she was Freen," I explained very long to my Mom.

"When she saw you, she didn't ask who you are?"

"No," i replied sadly.

"Poor my baby, it's okay maybe she's just in a bad mood and stress so thats why she doesn't remember you."

"Yes, hopefully," i sadly said.

"But look maybe she's forgetting you because you look more prettier and gorgeous than before, maybe thats why she doesn't remember you," My mom said to me to give me a hope. But I'm feeling sad upon hearing my mom's word.

'But she just called me a trash'

"Thank you Mom for encouraging me, i think i need to clean my self first. Please say hello to dad for me please."

"Sure Sweetheart, I won't forget that. Please take care of yourself okay? Don't get sick and don't forget to eat vegetables, that's important!" My mom scolded me.

"Hehe, don't worry about it Mom. Next time i will contact you and dad again, okay?"

"Alright then, see you Becky."

"Good bye, momm!!" I ended the call.

I feel relieved after my conversation with my mother. She always caring to me and always supports in everything i do. Even though we are not a rich family, but my parents always support me for everything i want and do. I love them very much.

I immediately went to take a shower and cook a dinner for myself. After that i study and do my homework. I contacted Yuki that i am now feeling okay and told her to do her homework. That girl won't do her homework if no one reminded her. 'Silly.'

Because I felt sleepy, I immediately went to my bed and sleep.

I woke up from my sleep and confused because i don't know where am i. It turns out that i was on a beach that has a beautiful view. Then suddenly a girl about my age came up to me which makes me surprised and scared so i ran away from her. But she still be able to catch me even though i ran away from her. Then i cried.

"WHO ARE YOU, PLEASE DON'T BULLY ME," I screamed because i was scared.

"Huh, What do you mean?" The girl asked me.

"Please stop bully me, I'm scared."

"Bullying you?? HAHAHAHAHA, Becky what kind of joke is that??" She said to me while laughing, i am very confused right now.

"Where am i?" I asked her because i still confused why am i here.

"Huh.. How could you forget that, Becky? We are on a family vacation between your family and my family," she told me while showing her confused face.

"I don't remember it, sorry. May i ask you, what is your name?" I asked her so she was very shocked upon hearing my question and i feel sorry for her because I'm actually not joking, i don't remember her at all.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPEN TO YOU BECKY, DO YOU GET AMNESIA??" She asked me almost tearing up.

"I'm sorry but i don't remember you," i said to her but she began to form a tears.



I Will Always Find You ~FreenBecky Where stories live. Discover now