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"I wonder what is she doing right now, wait why am i care about her. I bet she is sleeping on the street right now," I talk to myself.

Right now i'm checking my instagram, no one knows my instagram account except Nam, Tee, and Kade. My followers only 3.

When i was scrolling my instagram i saw a notification from Nam that she post a photo in her instagram. It was a photo selfie of her and the girl that bumps me.

I saw that she tags the girl and i click her profile.

"Her ig's name is @Becccca__?? So her name was Becky, huh." I scroll Her instagram feeds.

Without i realize, i already scroll her instagram for a few hours.

I also realize that actually she is very pretty, wait why am i suddenly mesmerized by her beauty?? This is not you Freen!!

"Shut up Freen, just sleep," Because i'm feeling weird, i decided to sleep.


In the next morning i woke up and prepare for going to university right now. I saw Becky's instagram notification, with a speed of light i click it. Actually i followed her instagram account.

My instagram account name is @imyourboss.
I name my instagram that so people cannot find my instagram. I know i'm weird.

@Becccca__ Posted.

@Becccca__ good morning everyone💕@Namorntaraaa OMG You're So Prettyyy

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@Becccca__ good morning everyone💕
@Namorntaraaa OMG You're So Prettyyy

"F*ck she is so damn hot," I spontaneously said that.

"Wait what are you thinking Freen?? this is so wrong. But She's not as pretty as me." I smirk while looking at myself in the big mirror

"But i have to apologize to her later, i don't want to ruin my relationship with Nam."

After that i went to my university with my personal driver.


I arrived, but i was very surprised because suddenly the front door of the place is very crowded. 'I wonder what's happening inside.'

When i enter the front door, i saw a lots of people trying to take a photo with Becky.

'Wow she become famous now.'

But why it seems like she is not okay with it. Why everyone want to take a photo with her?

Suddenly someone tapped my shoulder and i already know that it was Nam.

"Looking at your girlfriend??" Nam asked me.

"WHAT THE HELL NAM, why would i want to be with her. I still hate her as you know," i replied.

"But your eyes seems lying, you keep staring at her," Nam smirked. 'Damn she is going to tease me'

"Shut up Nam, i just wonder why she was crowded by lots of people here. She is very ugly."

"Are you blind Freen?? Open your eyes."

"I'm not blind stupid, i can see you."

"Do you saw her Instagram Posting in this morning? Wait sorry i forgot that you don't even remember that you have your own instagram account." Nam rolled her eyes and left me.

"What's wrong with her??" I ask myself but suddenly i saw a boy who wants to take a photo with Becky, the boy keep touching Becky's hips.

She looks very uncomfortable, but why she is not mad??

I went to the direction of the boy and push him very hard until he fell to the floor. Everyone in there are very surprised, including Becky.

"WHAT THE FUCKK!??" The boy shouted while feeling pain in his legs.



"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAID!?" I said to him and he is very surprised when he saw me.

"W-wait p-president i-i can e-explain," He stuttering, i just smirked at him. Becky seems very shocked at the situation right now.

I took Becky's hand and i drag her to the student council room. While the boy was still on the floor, he is very frightened right now and he will accept the consequences.

While in the student council room, No one here.

"E-eh?" Becky confused.

Now I'm very embarrassed right now, why did i drag her here. I don't know what to say to her.

"I'm doing this because he breaking the rules not because of you," i said to her while not keeping eye contact with her. This is my chance to say sorry to her.

"Oh okay, thank you very much president. Im very sorry if i disturbing you, if that's the case then i will go." Becky said while going to the direction of the door.

"Wait stop," i run fast to the door and blocking her way and the door so she cannot left the room.  She is very surprised.

"Did i told you that you can leave this room?" I said, she is confused.

"I'm very sorry president," she bows and didn't say any words. She just stood there and confused.

'Okay Freen this is your chance to say sorry to her, don't make any mistake.'

If i apologize to her, Nam and Tee will unblock me and i can talk to Nam again. Please, Freen don't say any stupid things.

I thought that everything went smoothly, but i was wrong.

"Why the hell are you standing right there, get out from my room!!" Suddenly i said that to her.


She didn't said any word and just left.

"WHY DO YOU SAY THAT FREEN??" I'm very stress right now, screw me for being rude.

'Mission failed.'


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