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The soft mutters of apologise you would every so often get when someone would accidentally bump into you at the video game store.

Your gaze scanned over the shelf with slight interest, trying to pin point what your next target for a gaming binge was gonna be.

Assassin's Creed? No you've played that too much, Minecraft? Fun but no it gets far to boring, Goal? What the fuck is that name, sounds like two nitwits put their brains together to come up with that.

You continued to stare at the unfamiliar game cover, your eyes squinted while leaning forward just a smudge.

You took a quick glance at the other two options you were gonna rent(again) before shrugging and snatching the game case up, going into the line to finally—after thirty minutes of looking—get yourself checked out.

You bounced on your heels, looking at the back cover with a raised eyebrow.

You weren't looking at the words by the picture of two people on it, one had long maroon hair that held itself together in a pony tail, his attire adored an olden Japanese clothing type with a stoic expression his hands gripped onto his sword with a vice grip.

While the other guy had black hair and plum red eyes, a pale skin complexion, some of his veins protruding from his face while he showed his teeth in a vicious manner.

‘smash, disrespectfully' you thought with a small grin on your face.

"Next" you looked up from the back of the game to look up at the cashier Infront of you, they looked dead inside while looking at you.

You continued up, placing the game on the counter with an awkward smile.

The cashier hummed lazily picking the game case up scanning it, they slowly looked up at you with a tired blink "do you have a members card?"

"No" you cleared your throat as they handed you the game back.

"Your total is 35.50$" they held out their hand while you handed them a crisp fifty dollars note.

As soon as he handed you tha change, you had just started walking away from the counter letting the next person continue up.

The automatic doors opened up as you stepped outside avoiding the person that was about to bump into you.

Your attention went back to the game, turning it around so you could look at the back cover but t this time instead of looking at both of the too game characters you had finally decided to read the words on it.


Your eyebrows knitted together as you stared at the three bold words that hung over the description of the game.

Letting out a laugh while deciding you'd humour yourself, you craned your neck up looking towards the sky, nothing seemed out of the usual... That is until you saw a black dot, getting closer and closer and closer and—

"Is that a fucking piano??" You questioned, lucky for you! You'll be getting your answer in three two one—

"Yeah, that's a piano"
Your smile immediately dropped just as the heavy object came crashing down on you. . .



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