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You heard a A.i sounding voice boom.

You let out a gasp and felt your leg being wedged between something. Then you saw it. A branch, your leg was stuck between two weird looking branches. That would mean you're— you're in a tree.

You coughed, seeing your exposed stomach and ripped up olden Japanese maid's uniform. Wow, this did not look all that good for you.

You looked around, seeing tiny yellow round fruits all around you. Perfect, lemons. You grabbed one and used your fingers to pry it open, then you took a deep breath. You tried to pull yourself up, instead of dangling off of the branch, keyword tried.

You quickly felt your body slam back down, having yourself dangle. Your original plan was to lube up your foot using lemon juice to get it unstuck, but you could barely even reach it.

So, you did the next best thing.

"HELP, HELP, PLEASE! I'M SO SORRY FOR CALLING Y'ALL FRENCH, PLEASE HELP!" You begged, hoping someone would come your way. And surprisingly, it worked.

You notice a guy with black hair who started to walk up to you, his eyes widened at the sight of you. His face flushed like a monkey's ass colour and he quickly covered his eyes.

"Ho- nande soko ni iru no! ? Inpei shinakya!" ["Ho- why are you up there!? you need to cover up!"] He yelled.

"FUCK YOU, YOU FRENCH SPEAKER!" You yelled, throwing the ripped up lemon straight into his eye. He let out a his and started to rub his eye.

For some reason this guy pissed you off.

Suddenly, your leg came untangled and you grabbed another lemon before falling down.

"YOU FRENCH MOTHERFUCKER!" You yelled speed walking to the guy and kicking him in the nuts. He let out a yelp, then when you saw his mouth a gape in pain you stuff the lemon inside.

You saw him collapse and then spat on him. "FUCK THE FRENCH!" You yelled. You could basically see him crying on the floor, he looked like those cartoon stuffed pigs on thanksgiving.

You dusted off your ripped uniform. Then you gave your best smile.

"What's up baby girl?" You bit your lip, staring at the sobbing man.

Suddenly, he gripped his groin and let out coughs of pain. He spat out the lemon and looked up at you.

He looked at your shoulder, then your ripped uniform, then covered his eyes making sure he didn't see your indecency. He coughed and looked away as he got up.

"Dōshite son'na koto o suru no...-fuku ga hitsuyōna no." ["why would you do that.. you need clothes."] the man muttered in pain, his eyes never failing to look towards your form you.

"Goddamn the French." You muttered, climbing the tree and grabbing another lemon.

"Watashi to kite." ["Come with me."] The man said, holding a hand out while still looking away.

"French hand?" You scrunched up your face, but you had nowhere else to go. So, you took his hand.

"Tsugukuni Michikatsu." The man muttered, letting go of your hand and motioning you to follow him.

"Da fuck? I ain't saying all that." You scoffed, rolling your eyes and tearing open the lemon. You opened your mouth and let the sourness drip onto your tongue, you didn't know why, but it gave you a little relief. Like a reminder that you were still here, and not insane.

Your eye twitched and you gagged. You threw the rest of the lemon on the floor, still following Michikatsu.

The [H/c]nette sat in front of two brothers, a [c/o/c] kimono was placed on the girl.

"Gaikoku hito, dōshite koko ni?" ["why are you here, foreigner?"] Michikatsu said in a cold tone.
(Mf acting like he didn't bring her here)

She felt uncomfortable, no, not because of the kimono, it was comfortable as hell. It was because of the two brothers in front of her, she could probably beat one with a lemon but two? She would be fucked.

"Wei, wei?" She gave an anxious grin.

The brother who stayed quiet looked at the girl with raised brows.

"Lowkey your adorable." She pointed towards Yoriichi.

Yoriichi looked at her confused, which was then followed by his brother yelling.

"Watashi no shitsumon'nikotaeru!"
["Answer my question!"]  Michikatsu yelled, frustrated.

The girl let out a sigh, then gave a shrug.

Suddenly, Yoriichi leaned over to his brother.

Tapping on his brothers shoulder, he did various hand signals, which low-key confused the fuck out of you before pointing at you, for a moment you thought the mf was talking shit.

Michikatsu let out an oh sound and looked at the girl. Then, he started to make hand gestures.

“The fuck? I don’t speak French sign language.” The girl shook her head.

Once more, Yoriichi patted Mitchikatsu's shoulder doing weird hands signs again, (they just seemed random) he's hands lastly started doing a sweeping motion before gesturing to you once more.

“Mochiron ―― nande omoitsukanakatta no?” [“of course- why didn’t i think of that?”] Michikatsu mentally face palmed.

Suddenly, Michikatsu made sweeping motions just as Yoriichi had done.

“Oh, are we playing a game?” The girl’s face of an uncomfortable smile turned to one of actual happiness. Unknown to her, one of the brothers thought her face was rather cute.

“Uh, bird. No— rabbit. No, rabbits don’t sweep. Broom? Broad? Tit? Left nut? Cow? Cows? Shark? Shark attack? Beating someone? Walking over someone? Destroying? Dusting? Sweeping?” you made the same motion Michikatsu was, making with whooshing noises, Michikatsu made a slight face at that, and Yoriichi nodded.

“Next,” she grinned, seeing Michikatsu using his hands to sweep the table.

“Swipe? Swiper no swiping? Stolen wallet? My home? My eviction notice? My knees? Lemon? Lime? Acorn? Oh— dusting!” you made the same motion as him along with the additional squeaky noises, Yoriichi nodded.

Michikatsu dropped a flower from the table and then picked it up, dropped, picked up, dropped, and picked up.

“Uh, mistakes? Me? Jelly? Tom and Jerry? My college funds? My dream house? Men? Women? Gays?” Michikatsu made a slight face at the different words you were saying.

“I’ma ignore that. Water? Gas? Dinosaurs? Demon? Twelve? Oh, the quicker picker upper? Oh— picking up stuff?” you asked doing the same motion as him, Yoriichi gave a smile and nodded.

“” Yoriichi spoke, his brother seemingly not hearing his younger twin speak

“Mai..maid?” Yoriichi pointed at you while poorly pronouncing the letters, his older brother still somehow not hearing the mfo.

“Oh. Sure.” You smiled and nodded.

Well, there goes another innocent soul. . .

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