Crow & Ray (cred to us)

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Crow was taking a nap on the couch, his wings curled around his body, however it was really hot out, so he slept without pants on, only his boxers. Crow trusted his partner, Ray, to not do anything to him without consent, and of course it was true. While Crow was napping, Ray came back from the store, he didnt get food or anything, he rented Crow's favorite movie. As the smaller boy walked into the living room, he noticed his beloved God resting ever so peacefully, slowly, Ray went over to Crow before gently petting his wing in a soft downward motion.
"Crow darling..its time to get up.." Ray spoke softly to his slumbering lover, gently, he started to lift one of the resting God's wings, causing it to react on instict, the silky black feathers fluffed out a little, almost hitting Ray in the face, this had happened many times, and the small incubus simply laughed at it now. Crow slowly opened his eyes, sitting up and rubbing his eyes, he stretched his wings out before smiling sleepily at Ray.
"Good morning honey..." he mumbled out groggily,  before hugging his partner and pulling him into his lap , wrapping his large wings around the small demon he now held in his lap. Ray giggled and held up the movie he rented wear Crow could see.
0"I got us a movie to watch love!" The incubus gleamed, hoping to get a good reaction.
"oh! Ray that's one of my favorites!! When are we gonna watch it?!" Crow's wings fluffed out once again, this time with excitement, the God was very excited.
"We can watch it right now if you want?" Ray smiled softly and pulled the DVD case away from his beloved's face, he started to pet down part of the black silky feather om Crow's wings.
"Oh! Yes please!!" Crow lifted his wings up to let Ray get up to get the movie set up, and while he got the movie set up, the lovely God got up to go get pillows and blankets. When he got back, Ray was on the couch starting the movie, Crow ran over, made them a small nest on the couch, and sat with Ray. The smaller male rested his hand on the larger male's thigh, earning zero attention from him, he didnt mind though, if not now, he'd get the attention he wanted later. As Crow watched the movie, he forgot more and more about Ray's hand resting on his thigh, which gave the little demon the perfect opportunity to start moving his hand. At first, it was a soft, slow rub of the thigh, soon picking up some spead, however, Crow didnt pay any mind to the rubbing, Ray felt a bit frustrated now, he sat for a bit thinking, before remembering that Crow's sensitive spot was his inner thigh. Carefully, the small demon snaked his hand to the God's inner thigh, in response to the couch, Crow's wings fluffed up a bit.
"Are you okay honey?" Ray smiled a sly,  shit eating smile.
"Yes! Im okay!" Crow spread his wings a bit,  trying to un-fluff them. Though this didn't last long, Ray started to rub Crow's inner thigh, making him whimper a little, his wings recoiled to his back, allowing Ray to get closer to him. The more the God's inner thigh was rubbed, the more whimpers and soft moans emerged from him. Ray continued to rub and tease Crow until..
"Enough Ray." Crow seemed to get serious, his wings puffed out ,  usually this happened when the God was upset.
"C-Crow I'm sorry i-i was just trying to-" Ray was cut off by a rough kiss and a forceful push down onto the couch. Crow was now on top of his little demon, his crotch was pressed against the smaller male's ass, Ray turned red, feeling Crow's hard on against him turned him on. The unusually bold God slid his hand up Ray's shirt, rubbing his thumb against the demon's nipple, making him mewl and pusher his chest up for more, Crow just pulled his hand away and got up
"Stay." He ordered before walking away to get something, he came back with some mini egg vibrators, he taped them to Ray's nipples before turning them on a lo setting, making Ray mewl and moan softly, Crow then started to pull off Ray's pants, then his own boxers. The God, taking care in his partner, put his fingers I'm his own mouth to get them wet, then slowly put on inside of his love, making Ray mewl a bit more. Crow soon added another finger, making a scissoring motion inside of hid beloved partner, once the loving God decided Ray was prepped enough, He pulled his fingers out, flipped Ray over into a doggy position, and pushed into his partner.
"Tell me if it hurts, okay..?" Crow hummed softly and started to slowly thrust into Ray, earning moans and whines from him, soon he started to speed up until Crow was roughly pounding into Ray, fucking him into the couch. The poor demon was being railed into the couch while he was moaning and mewling a bunch, his voice was cracking, he was crying and drooling. In simpler terms: he was a mess. Crow continued to pound into Ray, his wings fluffed up a bit from the exertion, he was drooling as well. The God was close, and it really didnt take long for him to finish, Crow's cum filled up Ray, who also came pretty hard, to the brim, when he pulled out, the cum basically spilled out of Ray, causing him to groan and whine. 
"You did so good honey, good job!" Crow smiled and picked up Ray to cuddle him for a bit before cleaning him up, and the couch, and then they continued to watch the movie.

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