2 Tickets To Distract

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after Jenna left the weight of stress and worry pressed heavier on your shoulders , you decided to reach out to your family. First, you called your sister, anxiously waiting for her to pick up. However, the ringing phone eventually transitioned into voicemail. Frustration and concern crept in.

Determined, you dialed your mother's number next, hoping for some reassurance. The phone rang persistently, it, too, transformed into voicemail. Anxiety intensified.

A surge of urgency prompted you to call your younger sister, Unfortunately, the pattern repeated, and her phone, too, remained unanswered..

Adrenaline coursing through your veins, you felt a sudden wave of nausea, and the stress manifesting in your gut. Stumbling towards the bathroom, you barely made it in time before vomiting.

Desperation compelled you to try your father's number. The phone rang, each ring amplifying the pounding in your chest. After what felt like an eternity, a weak and frail voice answered, "Hello?"

 "Dad, it's me. How are you feeling?" Relief and concern blended in your voice as you spoke

 "I'm hanging in there, kiddo. Don't worry too much." he says feebly 

The vulnerability in his voice pierced through your composure, and you choked back tears. "Dad, I... I don't know what to do. I'm scared."

He spoke with a soft strength, "It's okay, bud. Just take a deep breath. I love you."

"NO! no, no, no. Don't say that," you raised your voice, unable to contain the rush of tears streaming down your face.

 "Why not? I want you to know, no matter what happens, I love you." His response was gentle yet firm,

"You're saying it like it's the last time," you sobbed into the phone.

There was a moment of heavy silence before your father spoke again, "I didn't mean it that way, kiddo. I just want you to remember that i love you."

The gravity of his words settled on your shoulders, and you found it hard to speak through the tears. "Dad, I wish I could be there with you, with mom, with Sarah and little Ellie. I feel so helpless."

 "You've already done so much for us. Right now, focus on taking care of yourself. i don't want you stressing any more than you already are."

As the days stretched on, you became adamant on concealing his struggle. The smile you wore became a well-practiced mask. The weight of your father's deteriorating health became a secret, a burden you chose to bear yourself.

 and the rest of the cast remained unaware of the worries that haunted your nights and consumed your thoughts. yet they became a lifeline for you, a brief escape from the harsh realities that awaited you beyond the set. In their presence, you maintained the facade of composure, deflecting any probing questions with a well-timed joke or a reassuring smile.

Even as Jenna grew closer, she sensed a shift in your demeanor, The decision to keep your struggles hidden was to shield those around you from the gravity of your situation. You were determined to be the anchor, the one who held the group together, even as your own foundation threatened to crumble.

 the burden of maintaining the facade grew heavier. Yet, you soldiered on, the smile never wavering, the laughter never faltering.

Percy and Georgie approached you Their eyes gleamed.

"Percy and I were thinking," Georgie began, a grin spreading across his face, "how about a little adventure tonight? A change of scenery?"

"Yeah! We've been cooped up in this set for too long. Let's hit the town, grab a drink, and maybe even dance a bit." Percy chimed in, his enthusiasm matching Georgie's.

Is This Okay (Jenna Ortega x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now