Filming Starts

790 29 14

A couple days of settling in has passed and you and the cast found yourselves going through the costume styling and hairstyling. As Tim discussed the haircut with the stylist you sat in the styling chair, ready for the haircut. You trusted Tim's vision for the character of Archie, understanding that sometimes the right look can enhance the portrayal of a role.

The stylist draped a protective smock around your shoulders, As the first strands of hair fell, you couldn't help but feel a bit nervous. It was a change from your usual look, but you were committed to bringing Archie to life in the most authentic way possible.

Tim stood by, offering feedback and guidance to ensure the haircut aligned with the character's personality. The stylist worked slowly, shaping the hair to match Tim's idea. 

You stole glances at yourself in the mirror, watching as the familiar strands were replaced by a shorter, edgier style. It wasn't your preference, and a part of you cringed at the thought of stepping out with this new look. you knew it was a necessary step. The process continued, and soon, the distinct look for Archie emerged.

Tim, noticing you cringing in the mirror "I know it's different, but trust me, this is what Archie needs. It adds to his personality."  The discomfort lingered, but beneath it was a sense of determination but that soon went out the window as you heard giggle's from behind you, you turn around to see the cast taking in your new haircut "awww you look adorable Y/n"

You couldn't help but feel a blush rise to your cheeks as Emma's comment was met with laughter from the rest of the cast. The unexpected attention intensified your initial discomfort.

"Thanks, I guess," you mumbled, running a hand through the shorter strands in an attempt to get used to the new feel. The cast, however, seemed genuinely excited about the change.

"Seriously, it suits you!" Joy chimed in, and Jenna added, "Yeah, it's your a new look," Jenna said quietly. However Hunter, couldn't resist an opportunity for a joke.

"Looks like someone's getting a soft spot for this new look,'" he teased, earning an eye roll from Jenna. Emma grabbed her phone "Hold on, I need to capture this for the world to see" you didn't try to play along you just crossed your arms and looked at the camera defeated as Jenna giggled at your annoyed face

you felt a buzz in your pocket and looked at you phone and there it was, her post

you felt a buzz in your pocket and looked at you phone and there it was, her post

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"ok i will admit i look like I'm over it" you laughed to distract yourself

"any way I'm up for my styling" Jenna says going into the stylist room with Tim and after a half an hour of wardrobe changing and completed hairstyles Jenna sends a picture to the group chat.

"any way I'm up for my styling" Jenna says going into the stylist room with Tim and after a half an hour of wardrobe changing and completed hairstyles Jenna sends a picture to the group chat

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