Reality Between Takes

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The morning sun led to the breakfast area as the cast enjoyed a meal. The smell of coffee and the clinking of utensils created a comforting ambiance, You filled your plate with a mix of eggs, bacon, and toast, finding a spot at the table next to Georgie and opposite Emma.

After a while, Jenna joined the group, her presence adding to the atmosphere. She sat down beside you, and as the teasing from the cast resumed, you both exchanged smiles, unfazed by the banter.

"So, what's on the agenda for today?" Georgie inquired, taking a sip of his coffee. "We have a few more scenes to shoot in the woods," Emma explained, glancing at the script in front of her. "Tim wants to capture chase scenes i guess."

 "Ready for another day in the forest?" Jenna says as You smirked, "Absolutely. Maybe Archie and Wednesday will finally discover the mystery of the Hyde."

Hunter raised his coffee cup in a mock-toast. "Or maybe they'll get lost in each other's eyes and forget about the mysteries altogether."

The table erupted in laughter, and you rolled your eyes, now used to the daily teasing. As breakfast continued, Tim entered the room "Good morning, everyone!" he exclaimed, and you and Jenna exchanged a glance.

With breakfast ending, the cast headed to prepare for the day's scenes. You Walking with Jenna toward the set, the teasing persisted. Georgie flashed a mischievous grin, "Well, well, how was the cozy sleepover? and the bed-sharing experience, you two?"

"Did you guys at least get some shut-eye, or was it just an all-night talk fest?" Percy chimed in, You rolled your eyes, and Jenna chuckled, seemingly amused by the ongoing banter. Emma joined in, "I hope you left room between you two."

As the day progressed, you and Jenna found yourselves with each other more during breaks, sharing jokes and lighthearted stories. "I think they're enjoying this a bit too much." Jenna whispered,

"Yeah, it's like we've become the entertainment for everyone," you chuckled. the incident of being locked in became a treasured memory for the cast. Oddly enough, it seemed to bring you two closer.

the others couldn't help but notice the subtle shift in dynamics. They picked up on the nuances of your interaction, the lingering glances, shared smiles, and the increased comfort you both found with each other.

 "Well, well, looks like ever since your lock-in you two have been closer. What's the story, lovebirds?" Hunter teased. Jenna rolled her eyes, nudging you. "Ignore him, he's just enjoying the drama." 

It got to the point where Tim joined in, teasing you both about not being too distracted to remember your lines. but it went to higher extremes when they began suggesting ship names, debating whether it should be "Y/nna" or "Jenn/n." You and Jenna shared a laugh at the absurdity of it all.

"Yeah, yeah, save it for the characters," you retorted, trying to keep things light. "I bet the fans are shipping this harder than ever." Hunter added,  

"Yeah, let's leave the ship names to the fans," Emma quipped, 

things were taking a better turn for you, you and Jenna are finally getting closer albeit you still have to tell her truth as some point but something tells you that she already knows, but is just waiting on you to admit it. Tim said that he has enough film to put together 2 episodes they aren't in order but its progress.

there was something gnawing at you though, its about Jenna, ever since her panic attack she been different sometimes she'll sneak off after takes and would be gone for hot minute before returning, she always seems drained and no one else seems to pick up on it.

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