Preparation for something big

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shortest chapter ive ever done


You had just landed in New York City, thanks to the private jet Tim Burton had booked for you. To keep a low profile, you were given a North Face jacket and beanie, which you wore as you made your way through the bustling airport. You were in town for a meeting with the cast about the upcoming show, Wednesday.

Always confident and outgoing, you loved meeting new people and making connections. As you walked through the airport, you couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement about the production. Suddenly, you spotted a familiar face across the terminal. As soon as your eyes met, you knew it was Jenna.

"Jenna," you muttered under your breath, barely believing your eyes.

She was standing at the other end of the terminal, looking as beautiful as ever. Without hesitation, you walked towards her and gave her a bold, warm hug. Jenna seemed taken aback by the sudden embrace but quickly melted into the hug, clearly happy to see you again.

The two of you stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, savoring the moment. When you finally pulled away, you both had big grins on your faces, knowing that the hug was exactly what you both needed. All the stress and nerves about the meeting seemed to fade away.

You casually draped an arm around Jenna as you strolled through the airport. While you walked with a confident bounce, Jenna admired the surroundings, amazed by the hustle and bustle of the place. Despite the time apart, it felt like no time had passed at all as you both laughed and chatted.

As you made your way to the hotel where the meeting was set to take place, you talked excitedly about the upcoming production. Arriving at the hotel, you were exhausted but knew you had to unpack before resting. After unpacking, you decided to stretch your legs with a walk down the hallway. To your surprise, you discovered that Jenna's room was directly across from yours. Not expecting this, you knocked on her door. She answered with a smile, and you both made time to catch up properly.

Feeling grateful for this unexpected chance to reconnect, you went back to your room and laid on your bed, ready to tackle whatever came next.

Feeling grateful for this unexpected chance to reconnect, you went back to your room and laid on your bed, ready to tackle whatever came next

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The following morning, you woke up feeling excited. You headed down to the hotel café for breakfast and coffee.

As you sipped your coffee, you noticed a group of people at a nearby table, including Jenna, who you recognized but didn't know the others. When they waved you over and invited you to join them, you felt relieved and decided to sit with them. They turned out to be potential cast members for Wednesday. You spent the meal discussing the show, your roles, and your excitement for the production.

Impressed by the talent and passion of your new castmates, you exchanged numbers and made plans to hang out later in the week. Feeling great after breakfast, you walked back to your hotel room energized.

As you walked down the crowded streets of New York City, the city's hustle and energy were initially overwhelming but soon invigorating. You decided to explore without bodyguards, putting on your headphones and playing "Hey There Delilah," which seemed fitting for the moment.

 Navigating through the crowds with the soft song in your ears, you felt a sense of peace amidst the chaos. The diverse and vibrant city only reinforced your free-spirited nature. You smiled at the people around you, from street performers to hot dog vendors, appreciating the city's lively atmosphere.

Suddenly, you heard a commotion behind you. Turning around, you saw a group of people running toward you, phones held high. They were fans of X, and recognizing their shirts, you felt a rush of pride. Despite the initial shock, you happily signed autographs and took selfies with them. It was a humbling and unforgettable experience.

After the fans dispersed, your phone rang. You pulled it out to see Jenna Ortega on the line. She informed you that the cast was waiting for you and that the meeting with Tim Burton was in just an hour. Realizing the importance of the meeting, you thanked the last fan and quickly made your way to the meeting. As you walked through the city, anticipation surged through you. This was the moment you had been waiting for.

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i will be properly introducing the Wednesday cast next chapter

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