Relaxing Lunch

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The afternoon brought a flurry of last-minute preparations As the lunch you planned with the group approaches. You found yourself in discussions with Tim, going through the nuances of Archie's character. and of course Jenna was more than eager to contribute as she joined in the conversation, making it increasingly challenging for you to maintain a professional distance.

flipping through the script Tim pointed out, "Y/n, I want to know how you delve deeper into Archie's backstory. The complexity of his character is crucial for the audience to connect with him. What are your thoughts?"

You nodded, "Absolutely, Tim. I was thinking about highlighting the internal struggles Archie faces. His troubled past has shaped him, and those layers need to be subtly revealed or shown as the story progresses."

Jenna, leaning in with a determined expression, added, "I agree. We can create moments where Archie's vulnerabilities come to the surface and make the audience root for him."

Tim smiled, appreciating the collaborative spirit. "Great ideas, both of you. Y/n, I trust your instincts with this character. And Jenna, as our leading role, your input is valuable. Let's make Archie a character the audience won't hate us for, for making him up for the show."

As the discussion continued, you couldn't help but be drawn to Jenna's passion for the storytelling aspect. However, with each exchange, you felt a subtle tug at your feelings. It was becoming more clear that the connection between you and Jenna wasn't limited to on-screen chemistry.

Jenna, noticing the thoughtful expression on your face, nudged you. "Lost in thought, Y/n? Don't worry we're all in this together."

composing yourself. "Yeah, just trying to get into Archie's headspace. It's a journey, but I'm excited about the challenge." you played it off

Tim, wrapping up the conversation, added, "Alright, let's bring Archie to life. We've got a great team here. Now, let's head to that lunch you planned. A little bonding before the big shoot won't hurt."

during the lunch break, Emma approached you. "Seriously, what's going on? You're like a different person today."

You chuckled nervously, "Just trying to stay focused. you know? but what do you mean I'm different"

Emma raised an eyebrow but let the matter drop,

"don't play dumb boy, you don't think i noticed that your avoiding Jenna" she pushed

you decided to brush it off " I'm just keeping things professional Emma I'm not avoiding her i just have extra pressure right now because Tim really expects a lot out of my character"

Emma understands and carries on with gathering up the rest of the cast.

Jenna, noticed your somewhat distant demeanor as well, and took a seat next to you. "You seem a bit... off today. Anything on your mind?" she asked, concern in her eyes.

You hesitated for a moment, *first Emma now Jenna you thought *god how obvious am i?*

"Just preoccupied with the upcoming shoot. Want to make sure everything goes smoothly, you know? It's a big production, and I want to make sure I'm on top of my game."

Jenna nodded understandingly, but a flicker of disappointment passed her face. The friendship you had built during the rooftop pool party seemed momentarily strained.

you all settled on a small yet cozy cafe it was you, Jenna, Emma, Tim, Hunter, Percy, Joy and Georgie. the three girls went to the front to order and Tim went off to take an important business call so you were alone with the boys, Hunter was the first to speak "You've been a bit distant today. Everything alright?" the rest of the boys held their eye contact too

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