Flight To Romania. Part ~ 2 (Final)

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once again shorter chapter i just wanted to quickly move on and get with the actual juicy parts


"so, it looks like there's still a lot of stuff we don't know about you y/n, care to explain?" Georgie says

You leaned back in the taxi. Georgie's question lingered in the air, and you couldn't help but chuckle. Taking a moment to gather your thoughts, you began to share a bit of your past with the two. " when I was younger, I used to be into street racing. Fast cars, adrenaline, the whole deal. But," you hesitated.

Percy's eyes widened "You were a street racer?"

You nodded, "Yeah, I had a thing for it. Used to modify cars, enter races, it was a different world to what i do now"

 "so, what made you stop?"

"It's a long story," you replied, glancing out the window as the city lights passed by. "But long story short, I stopped because things were getting more serious with acting, and my manager thought it was best to avoid any potential risks. So, yeah that's about it

"wait so how old where you through all this?" Percy asked

"yeah your still young aren't you?" Georgie says

"I'm 21, my dad taught me how to drive stick when i was 14 on our property, i got my licence at 16 so, i would've been 16 and i got that 911 at 18"


you made it back to the airport and the time was 4:50, "you guys had me worried for a bit, but you got here in time" Tim said as you all once again boarded the new bigger plane that held more fuel.

as you all settled in, the plane took off, you sat with hunter and he was watching Netflix, but you didn't pay attention,  the 16-hour flight ahead seemed like an opportunity to catch up on some much-needed rest. You reclined your seat, closed your eyes, and drifted into a peaceful sleep.


Eventually, a soft glow began to come through the windows. The hum of Hunter snickering to a joke from his show he was watching gently pulled you back to consciousness. Slowly, you opened your eyes, adjusting to the light of the plane cabin.

Glancing around, You stretched in your seat and caught Hunter's eye as he paused his Netflix binge.

"Morning, or whatever time it is," you mumbled, still groggy from your extended nap.

"well looks like your not dead" Hunter replied with a smirk, removing his headphones. "How'd you manage to sleep through the entire thing?"

"What!?" you said with a half asleep, readjusting your seat to a more upright position.

The flight continued its steady course, and the cabin crew began the breakfast service. Trays of food were given out, and the smell of coffee wafted through the air.

"would you like anything sir- " the flight attendant stopped mid sentence you thought something happened so you confusingly looked up towards her

"are- are you Y/n L/n? i mean of course you are, i was told all of you would be here but still its really you" she says with a flustered look 

"yeah, i am Y/n" you said confused as hunter gave you a knowing look You, on the other hand, managed a polite smile, unsure of what had caused such a reaction.

"Is there something special about the breakfast or...?" you trailed off, gesturing to the trays in her hands.

"Oh, no, I mean, yes, but that's not it," she stammered, trying to regain composure. "I'm just a big fan, and I never expected to meet you. Can I, uh, get a picture? or a signature? i don't know is that unprofessional"

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