fun by the pool

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here we go again, let me know if this was good.


As you prepared to leave the meeting, Tim stopped you, " What did I do this time, teach?" you joked, making him chuckle. Meanwhile, Jenna walked by with a smile that seemed to lighten up your mind. You couldn't help but take a moment to watch her leave, her laughter filling you with happiness as she walked with Emma.

" Nothing's wrong, I just wanted to talk about your role in the script," Tim said, gesturing to a chair for you to sit down. You settled into the seat and replied, " Is there anything I should be worried about?"

" Well, I just need to make sure that you're comfortable taking this role since Archie is a bit of a troubled person," Tim explained, concern evident in his tone.

You looked at Tim calmly before responding, " Yeah, you don't need to worry. I've tackled many complex roles before, but I can see how this one will be a challenge, especially with the added pressure of being in a bigger production."

" I see," Tim nodded thoughtfully. " Well, there's no need to feel stressed. I have complete faith in your talent, and I know you'll bring bring everything to Archie's character. Have a good time at the hotel we'll be leaving first thing Friday morning," he reassured you.

" Thank you," you said sincerely, appreciating his support. Walking out of the conference room, you decided you'd like to unwind with a swim in the secluded rooftop pool as the evening sun started to set in the sky.

As you made your way back to your room, you heard Jenna call out, " Hey, Y/n." Turning around, you greeted her with a warm smile "hey, you. what's up"

"Well, since Friday is only two days away, I was hoping we could do something together, y'know, get to know each other," Jenna explained, her eyes sparkling with interest.

You considered her invitation and replied, " You know what? That sounds great. I was actually planning to have a swim by the rooftop pool. If you want, you can join me. After all, we will be spending the next god knows how long filming together."

Jenna's face lit up. " That sounds perfect. What time were you planning to head up?" she asked, eager to join in.

"I don't know," you teased, a mischievous glint appeared in your eyes. " actually, I might  keep you guessing," you said with a grin. " It's all part of the fun, right?"

Jenna's smile widened, and she playfully rolled her eyes and let out a scoff. " Oh, well that's not fair," she said to which you didn't say anything else, she leaned in a little closer. " Alright then, I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for any sneaky pool trips. that's when ill strike" 

You chuckled, finding her playful enthusiasm infectious. "Good luck with that, Detective ortega," you replied.

As you both headed towards your rooms, Jenna couldn't help but throw one last remark over her shoulder. "Don't think you can sneak around me that easily, Y/n. I'll be one step ahead!" she exclaimed, pretending to be on a mission.

You turned back, a grin spreading across your face. "I look forward to the challenge, Jen," you countered, playing along.

As You got ready for your pool trip, you made sure to be as quiet as possible, not wanting to alert Jenna in the other room. you picked out your swimsuit and grabbed a towel, You decided to write a note to tease Jenna and leave it under her door.

you grabbed a piece of paper and a pen, a mischievous smile forming on your face as you thought about Jenna's reaction. 


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