I Want You

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 your lips meeting hers in a heated kiss. Jenna felt a rush of excitement wash over her as she wrapped her arms around you, pulling you closer.

your kiss was passionate and intense, filled with a sense of longing and desire.
Your hands roamed over Jenna's body, pulling her hips closer as you kissed.

Finally you pulled away, a string of saliva attached between you both, your lips still tingling with the heat of the kiss. Jenna looked at You, her heart racing. "That was amazing," she said softly.

You smiled at her, your eyes filled with awe. "You're amazing," you say. "I can't believe how lucky I am. the Jenna Ortega, is kissing me"

you were both a little breathless. looking at each other, your eyes filled with a excitement and uncertainty.

Jenna blushed, "I feel the same way, the Y/n L/n, is kissing me" she said. "I'm glad it was you."

As the night air grew colder, You pulled Jenna closer. your bodies pressed together as you wrapped your arms around each other. Jenna could feel her heart racing faster as You leaned in for the second kiss of the night. This time, it wasn't as sudden it was an intense kiss that sent sparks racing through your bodies. Your hands once again unintentionally ran along Jenna's curves and she felt safe and sound in your embrace,

Next thing you know your both alone in your trailer, and the tension between you was too much to ignore.

Jenna's hand was tangled in your hair as you kissed passionately, your bodies pressed together. your hands roamed over Jenna's back, pulling her closer. you had never kissed like this before, and it felt like a new experience altogether. Every touch, every breath was electric.

As the intensity of your kiss grew, Jenna pushed you back onto the couch, straddling you. she was lost in the moment, unable to think of anything else but you. your hands continued to trace the curves of her body,

She eventually rests her head on your shoulder. your eyes meeting, and you both knew that this was risky. she leaned in for another kiss, and the heat between them only intensified.

your thoughts were consumed by Jenna. you both had always been attracted to each other, but you have never acted on it. Now that you were, it was like a floodgate had been opened. All of the feelings that you had suppressed for so long were finally coming to the surface.

Eventually, you had to pull away again, both of you breathless. you both looked at each other, and knew that this was just the beginning. you had a lot to talk about and figure out, but for now, you were happy to just be in each other's arms.

Jenna curled up into a ball, seeking comfort in the warmth. "hold me, will you" she said gently. you chuckled softly, wrapping your arms around her, creating a cocoon.

as the embrace deepened, a playful noise escaped you triggering a reaction of laughter as you laid on your back lifting Jenna on top of you as you began messing around with her. she let out a shocked yelp as you playfully threw her around the sofa making her giggle in the process,

before you knew it you both stumbled off the sofa, and you found yourself on top of Jenna staring into her eyes, the atmosphere shifted. her laughter faded into a shared silence, and for a moment, the world outside seemed to disappear. your eyes met.

it was you who decided to speak up. Your voice, soft and filled with a vulnerability, broke the silence. "Jenna," you whispered, your gaze never leaving hers, "are you serious about this?."

The words hung in the air, and a pause stretched between you two. Nervous anticipation filled your gut as you waited for Jenna's response. It was a moment where seconds felt like hours, and the quiet seemed to amplify even the winds out side.

Jenna's eyes, reflecting yours. Finally, her lips curled into a tender smile, breaking the tension. "I've never been more serious," she replied, with a soft kiss as she rolled herself on top of you. 

 Jenna broke the silence. "You know, playing a twisted couple might just be the most entertaining part of this whole project."

Smirking in agreement, you replied, "Who would've thought acting as a couple would end up like this?"

She laughed, "But you know, Hunter might be onto something. We do have great on-screen chemistry."

"Are you implying that we should pursue couples in other projects?" you joked

"I'm just saying, we could give Hollywood a run for its money." you gave her a puzzled look "your kidding right?"

"come on Y/n, we're two of the most trending celebrities, two of the fastest rising stars this year, when 'Wednesday' comes out there's no doubt that directors are going to want us in other projects, with us in their movies the fans would be buzzing to see it" she explained

"That's a little far fetched don't you think? it would be the script that makes the movie?" you say not understanding how much popularity you and Jenna had Gained through out the years, you were always too busy to check 

"your not serious right? Y/n we are literally top pick for fans and other directors don't you look at the articles?" she said taken a back from your confusion. "well no, i don't" you laughed with Jenna letting out a defeated chuckle.

"Why should we act as a couple when we could already be one?" you teased. The flirtatious remark was met with a contemplative look from Jenna, who seemed more focused on the potential reality.

Jenna, wanting assurance about your commitment after Romania, spoke up, "Y/n, I need to know you're willing to put in the effort after 'Wednesday'. I won't do this if it's just for the show to get more traction."

Your playful demeanor shifted as you saw Jenna's seriousness. Taking a moment to gather your thoughts, you acknowledged her concerns. "Jenna, I get it. I'm not looking for something just for this moment . It's more than that." You met her gaze, sincerity in your eyes. "I want to be loved and to love in return. I'm not looking for anything specific, but with you, it feels different. It feels right. I'm just looking, for you."

Your words seemed to touch a chord within Jenna, something she hadn't experienced before. The feeling of being prioritized and genuinely loved was a foreign concept for her, sure she's loved by her family and friends, but she's never been LOVED, and the sincerity in your voice made her emotions well up. she felt a mix of vulnerable and overwhelming emotions as she grappled with the idea of someone truly looking for her, not just for the fame or even her looks but for the person she was. The weight of that realization brought tears to her eyes

you looked at each other, your eyes filled with passion. "I want you," you say softly gazing into her beautiful nature toned eyes.

Jenna smiled at you "I want you too," she said, and laid in your warmth drawing circles in your chest whilst snugging into the crook of your neck.

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ok this is it for the next 2 weeks im on holidays love you guys

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