Don't Come In

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As the grueling weeks of filming continued, the weight of the responsibilities and expectations began to take a toll on you. There were moments when the pressure felt suffocating, threatening to break through your composure. your last scene with Victor, became a breaking point as his hand held yours, and you struggled to contain the emotions bubbling beneath the surface.

After relentless filming, cello and fencing lessons, and the constant push to perfect every nuance of your character. Restlessness settled in, you no longer had the time to rest.

 you found yourself looking to Y/n for inspiration. His ability to maintain a buoyant, carefree demeanor despite the stress. You admired his resilience, wondering how he managed to deflect the weight of the production with such ease.

as you slowly opened your eyes and saw the sun you jumped out of your bed freaking out as you checked the time, you were late. "no no no" you groaned quickly getting ready and arrived at your cello lesson. "Jenna! where were you, your 40 minutes late" your teacher says "I'm here now, we cant waste anymore time" you replied instantly sitting in your seat and grabbing the cello and with a sudden yawn you were ready to practice

Your cello bow lowered slightly as fatigue crept into your Fingers, you fumbled over the strings, producing a disturbed sound. The frustration welled up within you as you struggled to regain control. Each mistake angered you.

Your teacher saw struggle but chose not to say anything immediately. As the lesson progressed, your shoulders tensed, Finally, after a particularly jarring note, your teacher spoke, "Jenna, is everything okay? You seem a bit off today."

You glanced up at her frustration in your eyes. "I'm fine. Let's just continue."

Your teacher hesitated, but ultimately agreed to press on. The rest of the lesson unfolded in a similar pattern.

because you slept in not only were you late for cello, but that also means your late for your fencing lesson. you decided to skip lunch and go straight to the lesson and once again you were scolded about the time.  "Jenna you half an hour late, come on we need to get this combination memorized" your fencing instructor pressed

Despite your fatigue you pushed through the fencing lesson. The movements that you've already mastered seemed sloppy. Your instructor patiently guided you through the routine, correcting your footwork and posture, but the stress weighed heavily on each movement.

"Jenna, you're usually more focused. Is something on your mind?" the instructor asked during a brief pause.

You took a deep breath, attempting to dismiss the question with a forced smile. "just a bit sore. Let's keep going."

The instructor, recognizing the signs of an overwhelmed student, adjusted the lesson to be less intense. Yet, the mental fog persisted. as soon as you left the building you went over to the nearest bin and vomited in it due to doing all this hard work on an empty stomach.

 You were on the verge of a breakdown as you got closer to your trailer. Beads of sweat clung to your forehead, and your face was pale, drained of its usual color.

Pushing past Y/n, who had called out to you, but you blocked him out, desperately trying to keep your composure. The door to your trailer slammed shut behind you. In the confined space you paced back and forth, each breath heavy and weak. You clutched your head, running your hand's through your hair.

 you fumbled for your phone, in moments like these, you would call your dad and he would calm you down. So you called his number, the familiar ring echoing  but there was no answer. Panic intensified, and you called again, but there was no answer.

Frustration and desperation welled up inside you, and you sunk to the floor. The weight of the world pressed down on your shoulders, the walls of the trailer seemed to close in on you. As you sob and hyperventilate, you heard a knock at the door, a gentle but persistent sound. "Jenna?" Y/n's voice calls out

Struggling to regain control, you weakly say "Don't come in." You didn't want anyone to witness your vulnerability, especially not Y/n. He, however, didn't noticed your plea and instead sat down with his back leaning against the other side of the door.

"What's happening, Jenna?" he asked, genuine concern in his voice.

"I have it under control," you tried to say but mid-sentence your sobs burst out, which didn't convince him.

Y/n, heard your sniffling sobs and tried to comfort you, "Jenna, where are you in the trailer?"

"On the floor," you managed to choke out between whimpers.

Y/n, contemplating how to help you, "Let me in, it's okay."

"No, I will not let you see me like this," you stressed, 

After a moment of silence, Y/n reassured you, "Jenna, I'm not asking to come in. I just want you to sit by the door with me."

 you were hesitant, but pulled yourself to the door where you laid on your side, back pressed against it. Sniffling and taking sharp breaths, you whispered, "It's okay, Y/n. I'm just... I'm just having a tough moment."

you felt through the door where he rested his head on the other side of it, "It's okay, Jenna. You're a tough girl. You can get past this," he said from the other side, his words were soothing and you started to forget about your worries

Time seemed to stretch as you lay there, your sobs gradually subsided but left behind an ache. Y/n's quiet presence on the other side of the door was oddly comforting.

"are you still there?" he spoke again,

Despite the vulnerability you felt, a small smile tugged at the corners of your lips. the genuine care he showed made you feel better.

"Yeah," you whispered, your voice still shaky. "I just... I don't know. Everything feels so overwhelming right now."

 "Sometimes, it's okay not to have it all figured out, you don't need to put so much pressure on yourself."

As you lay there, the weight on your chest lightened,

"Y/n?" your voice cracked, 

"Jenna?" he said acknowledging you, "why do you avoid me? do you hate me?" you whimpered


Your mind raced with conflicting thoughts after hearing her words. The attraction you had to her was creating an emotional struggle. You battled your thoughts, torn between the growing feelings you had for her and the commitment to being professional.  Despite the internal conflict, you couldn't deny the genuine concern you felt for Jenna in her vulnerable moment.

 "No, Jenna, I don't hate you. Why would you think that?" his voice softened into a higher tone  "It's just that I'm keeping things professional right? We're here to work, to make this show great, and I don't want to get too close"

"But we were close? in new York" Jenna protested, her voice cracking. "What changed? even in new York you started avoiding me a bit"

"fear? I don't- I don't know Jenna" you lied, you knew exactly why, you avoided her to maintain a boundary, to prevent these feeling from taking over, fearing it might jeopardize stuff. 

"Fear of what, Y/n" she stammered, "why cant you just tell me?" she pleaded 

you stood up wanting to get out of there "i hope you feel better Jen, you should probably get something to eat, i saw you leave in a hurry this morning and i doubt you had lunch as well" you say ready to walk away 

"yep just walk away, avoiding the topic, that's your favorite thing to do is it Y/n" she spat "I'm sorry Jenna"  "yep whatever, thanks for helping me with, you know" she calmed down.

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oh shit drama alert... with tensions running high and questions left unanswered, Jenna battled the pressure she put on her self, and Y/n hearing that she thinks he hates her dealt with the conflictions with what to do, what will happen? find out on the next epis- just wait till the next chapter you butt bum poopoos

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