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"You see. I'm not just born yesterday. I've seen a lot in my life," Mrs Park slightly touched Hyunsuk's neck. Hyunsuk just realized that he didn't cover the mark. He can just tell her that it's not Jihoon's doing and tell her that he already has a lover, right? Well, the lover is Jihoon but he just needs to lie this one time. He didn't really want to lie to Jihoon's family. But what should he do? Before Hyunsuk could tell the lie he had already constructed in his mind, Mrs Park continued, "You're going to say that it's not my son's doing, aren't you? Then. Explain those marks on Jihoon's back,"

Hyunsuk just realized. Again. That Jihoon came out from the bathroom half naked with his upper body exposed. He remembered scratched Jihoon's back yesterday. And he did bite Jihoon's neck. Hyunsuk tried to think of another excuse that he can give. Should he tell her that they did it with their own partner unexpectedly at a similar time? Does it even make sense? Hyunsuk is so unprepared. He didn't see this coming. He didn't expect that he would ever meet Jihoon's parents this early. Mrs Park sighed. She walked toward the cabinet to pick up some ingredients.

"I know that you're trying to find more accepted excuses. And you probably didn't expect that you'll see Jihoon's mom. You probably didn't even plan to," Mrs Park said. "The moment I saw your gaze toward my son, I knew that it's not just a 'friendly gaze'. Your eyes are just full of admiration, affection toward my son. You are in love with him. Probably for quite a long time already. Your feelings toward my Jihoon is just too much that it's overflowing. You can't simply stop it. It keep on showing even if you tried to hide it,"

Hyunsuk didn't deny that his feeling toward Jihoon is too much. He even acknowledged it. He knows very well that he likes Jihoon a lot. But he never expected that someone would point it out just by his gaze. He didn't expect that he's showing it just by looking at Jihoon. Probably because Mrs Park is observant enough that she noticed it. But what about Jihoon? How is Jihoon's gaze toward him? Is it the same as him? Or is it not? Hyunsuk wanted to know. But even if he could ask, he wouldn't be surprised if Jihoon's gaze toward him is not the same as how he looked at Jihoon. Like he has liked Jihoon for more than 10 years and that feeling hasn't stopped or changed even one second. It's just normal for Hyunsuk to not be able to hide his feelings; at least from someone like Mrs Park.

"I know that relationships between the same gender are not even rare now. But it's useless, don't you think? It doesn't even bear any benefits. Relationships between different genders would definitely be a medium to expand the human population, to build a family. But for same gender relationships? Nothing. You should know since you're really smart too considering that you're working as a researcher in a university," Mrs Park said. "And Jihoon you probably know that Jihoon only has been going out with females, didn't you? He has never shown any interest toward males. And he has a crush toward a girl who used to live in our old neighborhood for a very long time already,"

"I know," Hyunsuk said. That's the only words he ever said since a few minutes ago. He didn't know what to respond or what kind of response would fit the current situation.

"Sure you do," Mrs Park said.

"I love him. I will make him happy. I'm going to cherish him as much as he deserves. I'll take care of him as much as I can," Hyunsuk said. Mrs Park chuckled.

"I didn't dislike you or anything, Choi Hyunsuk dear. You don't even look as bad as Jihoon's college friends. You looked like a well raised, smart kid who's from a nice and kind household. You even took care of Jihoon very well. But. I just. I want the best for my son. Even though it's not rare, relationships between people of the same gender are still getting a lot of criticism and black lashes. I don't want my son to get those.  That's why. I'm politely asking you to let my son go. I just- I don't want to see him getting hurt to keep being in this type of relationship," Mrs Park said. "You can still be very close to him. As a friend. I won't stop you from seeing him or anything. But please. Just please let him go,"

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