~~~ Denial ~~~

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L and Robbie had been assigned adjoining rooms across from his parents. They were a little plain compared to the rest of the house, but L was oddly grateful for that. She sat down on the bed, her mind already rushing to figure out her next move. She needed to start with the Demons, and by stirring them up, she hoped it would cause Andrei enough trouble to disrupt his plans.

Robbie rejoined her after they'd both washed and his parents arrived soon after. They insisted on taking the time to look after the two of them. They made sure L and Robbie ate and talked about nothing too serious. They spoke about life in the house and how they'd been coping, and it was nice to just be in the moment.

L knew it wouldn't last, however, and no sooner had she thought it than Edra showed up at their door.

"I'm sorry to interrupt. L, can I have a word?"

L nodded and followed her out, giving the Worcester's a reassuring smile before she left.

Edra walked her down the corridor and up two flights of stairs, down numerous corridors, and into a spacious living room before she spoke.

"Here we are. Take a seat."

L arched a brow and sat down on one of the plushy teal sofas. It almost swallowed her, and she had to physically fight to sit upright. The room felt like an eclectic style tea shop L had seen on TV when she was little. A place friends would gather and gossip or drink tea and debate music. It was filled with colour and character, and L was unsure why Edra would bring her here.

Edra gave a soft smile when she noticed L's expression, and L was a little surprised at the change in attitude.

"What did you want to say?" L asked, not beating around the bush.

Edra sighed and took a seat on a cushy red armchair, her eyes never leaving L's.

"I know you're hurting, and I know you're trying to avoid it. But well, that's tough. It's time to come clean and face the pain, L."

L's eyes widened, and she immediately stood up from her seat.

"No. If this is what you brought me here for, then forget it. I have more important things to do."

L tried to leave but the door had suddenly disappeared. She turned on Edra and scowled.

"Let me out."

Edra shook her head, "No. Not until you face your problems."

"That isn't for you or anyone else to decide. Who do you think you are?"

Edra's eyes narrowed, "I'm someone who cares about you and knows how dangerous it will be if you don't let this out properly. What if you hurt someone? Robert? His parents? What if they say the wrong thing and set you off? How will you feel then?"

L's heart was racing, and she bit back her first retort of telling Edra to piss off.

"That won't happen, I won't let it. I can handle this myself, now let me go."

"You think you're all grown up, but even the oldest of us struggle with grief-"

"Why are you all doing this? It's like you want me to blow up." L interrupted her, though she kept most of her emotions in check.

"We just want you to stop denying your feelings. Your parents are gone, L. That hurts me deeply, so I can only imagine how it's eating you up... and Bryce-"

"Don't," L warned. She might not blow up, but she was ready to give Edra a good slap. "Leave Bryce out of this."

"You can't stay in denial forever. You have to face reality, and only then can you move on."

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