27. Spank

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Long Live / Rhaegar Targaryen / Elia Martell out now!

One of Avalons favorite things to do was to sit outside the sun on her face the birds chirping and tweeting around her. Hearing the light breeze through the leaves. A book in her lap and her children playing around her.

Avalon looked up from her book when she heard a scream. There went her happy relaxing morning.

"Whos hurt? What happened?" Avalon demanded as she dropped beside her kids. Kelsea burrowed into Avalons chest as joffrey rolled his eyes.

"Joffrey? Did you do something to my kelsea?" Avalon tried to remain calm but joffrey was so wicked.

"Nonsense she is being a big baby!" Joffrey shouted. "Man up!"

"Im a girl." Kelsea corrected, her lips pursed as she spared Joffrey a glance. Kelsea,  Avalon's perfect little Kelsea was 5 and Joffrey the monstrous boy that he was, was 6. The age difference was slim and yet Joffrey acted a big man. He liked to torment his sibling and Avalon's children. Reminding them when he did something bad that he was the heir to the iron throne and they couldnt touch him.

"Girls are weak-" Joffrey sneered and Avalon grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him to her, laying him over her knee and spanking him three times. He wailed out. 

"Girls are weak Joffrey why are you crying?" Avalon countered. 

"I'm telling mother!" Joffrey whined and she spanked him again. 

"You will apologize for hurting Kelsea-" Avalon still didnt know what conspired but certainly nothing good, it never was with Joffrey. 

"I'm telling-" Another spank and he whimpered out. 

"Tell Kelsea you are sorry or you will have my hand print forever red on your rump boy." Avalon warned. Avalon was protective to a fault. She would protect her family, even if that meant protecting them from her own family. 

"I'm. Sorry." Joffrey grit out. ANother spank. "I did what you wanted!" Joffrey sassed. 

"Thats for not meaning it." Avalon informed him as Davina and Tyon sniggered out. "Go on," Avalon pointed a finger for Joffrey to leave but he stared back at her defiantly. "Something to say Joffrey?" 

"I'm... sorry." He repeated before marching off. Avalon nodded looking to Kelsea. 

"Baby what happened?" 

"You just spanked Joffrey!" Tyon laughed out. "Haha the sucker."

"Serves him right." Davina agreed. 

Avalon knew she would be getting an earful because she heard Joffrey blubbering to Cersei from across the rock. 

"I think we go for a swim." Avalon suggested. "Look for those mermaids, what do you think Kels?" 

"Yeah." She agreed softly as she held to Avalon's hand. 

"Come on then, lets go on a mermaid hunt." 

Davina was past the age that she thought mermaids were real, she was 8 after all but Avalon saw her peering into the water hopefully along with Kelsea. Every time they got back Davina would say I knew we wouldnt find any but Avalon knew that she was disappointed. 

"Daddy no!" Kelsea shouted as Tywin came out to the boat.

"What?" Tywin countered. 

"We are mermaid hunting, you cant be fishing you might hook a mermaid!" Kelsea declared. 

"Oh, right of course." Tywin agreed putting his fishing pole down. "My mistake." 

"What if the bait lures in the mermaids?" Tyon countered. 

"You can fish." Kelsea decided. 

"Fish on!" Draco declared dragging his own little pole behind him. 

''A mini you in the making honey." Avalon remarked kissing Tywin's cheek. 

"I heard Cersei and Joffrey shouting... what happened?" Tywin pondered as he set loose the boat from the dock. 

"Well you see Joffrey was being a c-u-n-t and I had to spank him. He wasnt listening and I was ready to s-n-a-p his n-e-c-k and I'm not a violent person but that boy brings out my inner k-i-l-l-e-r." Tywin could see the children, Dav and Tyon trying to spell the words out figure out what Avalon was saying as she spelled them out. 

"I understand." Tywin assured. "We best get on the water then." 

"Yep and he hurt our kelsea and that little c-u-n-t had the nerve the f-u-c-k-i-n-g nerve to- you know what its fine, its done. I handled it for now." Avalon declared. "ALright, fish on." 

Untouched Gold / Tywin Lannister / Avalon Targaryen (1)Where stories live. Discover now