The power of faith, such is human right

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~ Sunday 7:00 AM ~

[ I don't want to wake up... Damn It... I'm supposed to do something today, but what I should do? ]

[ Maybe I should just sleep some more... Rest is an important part of life, maybe I am disrespecting some deity... That... Makes sense... That's why I feel... Bad these days, I've been disrespecting some deity related to rest, and they made something to me, I should pray today at last ]

[ Wait... Didn't I plan to go out with Fujiwara today? ]

[ What happened on Saturday? Did I work as usual? don't remember anything different, maybe I should see a medic, no I'm fine, it's just some stress, I will wake up better tomorrow, as I normally would ]

[ How is the time today? ]

Sato lazily picks up her phone, a simple iPhone 3gs, despite being old, it works well for her needs, May 13th, the month when temperatures start to rise.

[ 9° Celsius eh? ]

The air humidity is still relatively controllable, Tokyo averages 57.2 Fahrenheit, something that eventually becomes unbearable in high summer.

[ Why do I feel so cold today? Am I getting I'll? Not so early damn, I still have much to do ]

[ I will sleep some more... Maybe if I take a warm bath I will feel better, or maybe a cold to wake me up, no I shouldn't abuse it ]

~ 9:00 AM, Ikebukuro Hikawa Shrine ~

A simple and elegant architectural style, with a red torii gate at the entrance and a wooden main hall, the Shrine has a peaceful and serene atmosphere, contrasting with the bustle of the surrounding city.

[ What's making me take more time? Am I walking slowly? Well, I'm on the exact time, now where is she? ]

???: "Hey Sato, I'm here"

Fujiwara slowly walks closer, looking to the sides, worry can be seen on her face, and her steps loudly can be heard.

"Hm? Oh hello, Fujiawara, I just arrived as well"

"Sorry, I'm a little late"

"I think we both lost time today, is something wrong Fujiwara?"

"No nothing, is just that... My knees have been a problem these days"

"I see"

"Can you hold my bag? I think I need to use a bathroom first, sorry"

"No problem"

[ Hm... Maybe I shouldn't pray for luck today, what exactly do I need? Maybe health, I feel better now that I'm in a holy place, it's like I am on the wind, maybe I just need to do a casual walk, my head is more clear now, I should buy some ice cream and spend this day studying ]

[ I will think later about this, I should focus more on the moment ]

[ ThisTorrii gate is quite beautiful, I feel at peace now, maybe I should... Try to be a maiden? Hm... Maybe that's my destiny, and not to fulfill my parent's wishes ]

[ No I should find a way to do both, so many things to think about ]

Sato looks at the sky, which is bright, and filled with hope, some of the sun's rays illumine the shrine, making a perfect time for photos, no kids playing in the near playground, a piece of music can be heard, emptiness, the way leading to the holy house is full of nothing.

[ Enter ye in at the strait gate... Huh? A policeman? ]

"Excuse me, lady, can I please see your bag?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2023 ⏰

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