Chapter 4| Honey

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I walk out of my house with a few books I borrowed from the library

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I walk out of my house with a few books I borrowed from the library. I get into my car and slip on my glasses.

If I didn't, I'd run over everyone and everything in my way. I'm almost blind.


I arrived at the library and return the books. I wanted this new Historical fiction book. I head up the flight of stairs, since I pretty much have this whole library memorized.

  A few girls stare at me, but I ignore them.

  I know exactly what shelf it's in. I view the first floor from the balcony. My eyes catch sight of two girls laughing. I see only one of the girl's face, and the other is facing her. I only see her back.

  Nice hair. God damn.

I shake my head and decide to look at other books.

I skim through a few books and sigh. Getting bored, I just head to the shelf where the historical fictions books are.

  I put my hands on the book. I try pulling it out, but it doesn't move.

What the hell?

I keep trying to pull the book out, when my hand grazes another person's fingers. A strange electric jolt runs through me as they quickly jerk their hand away, and I finally manage to take the book out.

The eyes on the other side are deep and alluring, like pools of warm, rich honey.

As she looks back at me, I see a slight softness in her gaze, a tenderness that makes my heart skip a beat. Her eyes are slightly wide.

I felt a hint of nervousness creeping in, and I put the book back on the shelf. I rush down the stairs and head out of the library. I hop into my car and sit there. A groan leave my lips.

Only our fingers touched, and I'm feeling like this. They were so soft an-

I shake off the thoughts and drive back home.

Maybe it's because i'm a virgin.
---20 Minutes Later---

I step into the living room, and my mom raises an eyebrow, her subtle Russian accent seeping through.

"You're back earlier than usual," she points out, shifting her attention from the TV to me.

"Yeah," I casually shrug, and she responds with a knowing shake of her head.

"Your dad is returning from Russia in a week," she informs me, and I nod, the weight of her words hanging in the air.

With a slow stride, I make my way upstairs. Perhaps it's my imagination, but I catch snippets of my mom's muttered words.

"These children are killing me."

I open my door and see my little brother, Roman, sitting at my desk. He's only six, so his legs are off the  ground. I walk behind him and see that he's extremely focused on drawing something.

Is that a clown? No, I'm not asking him.

  Last time, Roman was drawing a butterfly and I thought he was drawing a d- nevermind. He almost started crying.

"Hey Roman." I unsurely say and his eyes dart to me, like in those horror movies.

I think he's going through an emo phase. Or a killer one.

I blink a few times and raise an eyebrow.

"What are you drawing?"

"A rose!" His demeanor changes. He giggles and I give him a strained smile.

Certainly doesn't look like it.

"It's really pretty, now get out." I grab his drawing and pick him up. I drop him outside my room and shut the door.

"Mommy!" I hear whining and it fades as he goes.


I have to start school in this new city and I can't deny feeling a bit out of sorts.

I wonder if the bullying will be as bad as it's been before?

Chances are, it probably will be.

I'll just end up doing what I did last time.

I've always been a straight A student, because I'm just smart.

I went to elementary and a bit of middle school in America, but I used to get bullied so my parents just decided to move back to Russia and we stayed there for a while.

My dad is a lawyer.


He's the defender of law, while I am the opposite.

I feel bad. I love my parents, but that won't stop me.

I always keep myself busy by studying. And to relieve stress, I kill stupid fuckers. I've dealt with many fucking pedophiles and rapists that I lost count.

My first day is tomorrow and if any one pisses me off, somebody's gonna die.

  But I also can't do anything, I have to keep myself from getting caught. Nobody knows other than Enzo. After all, thats how we became "best friends" almost two years ago.

Earlier, my cousin Elena sent me a text. She also goes to the same school, but she bluntly told me there's no way she'll help me because, according to her, I'm a loser.

Pretty typical.

I'll just avoid the popular kids.

  Enzo is popular though.

After contemplating my existence, I lay on my bed and bury myself under the blanket. In an attempt to drift into slumber, my breathing eventually slowed as I succumb to the deep slumber.

Fuck, my gun is on my desk.
"ᴀɴᴅ ʏᴏᴜ'ʟʟ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ꜰᴜᴄᴋɪɴ' ᴋɴᴏᴡ. ɪ'ʟʟ 
ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ꜰᴜᴄᴋɪɴ' ꜱʜᴏᴡ ɪᴛ."
-The Weeknd
Word count: 837

This chapter was a bit short. It is very rushed, since I want to introduce Alexei's character slightly before the next chapter. To make up for that, I'll upload a new chapter as soon as I can.

Please do tell me if there's any mistakes. Once again, I love you all 🤍

Not yours truly,

Not yours truly,Mimi

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