Chapter 1| First day

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Kira has dark brown eyes and hair Idk what that has to do with this chapter but it's good to know ig <3

  Kira has dark brown eyes and hair Idk what that has to do with this chapter but it's good to know ig <3

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Some things never change.

Just like my terrible mood every morning.

"Ugh fuck!"

I grumble out as I launch yet another alarm clock against the wall. I hear my mom yelling on her phone downstairs, typical morning, I lazed around in my bed for another 15 minutes.

I sat up and smiled to myself I just have to be positive everything else will be fine...

Right? Of course it will be, yeah

I scoff at my thoughts and stumble to the bathroom like a fucking zombie, the cold hardwood floor making my toes quiver.

After a quick shower, I stand before my closet, swinging it wide open. An organized selection of dresses and shirts immediately comes into my view.

I have nothing to wear.

And whatever I DO have, I can't wear. Thanks to the black and blue tainting my skin.

I settle for a hoodie and sweats to cover my cuts.

It's the first day of senior year and I usually wear better clothes on first days but I guess today I can't.

I walked back into my room, a sense of loom over me, but I urged myself to focus on the brighter side of things.

  I hum to myself as I swung my legs off the edge of my bed. As usual, I don't leave my room till I hear the front door close so I wouldn't have to run into my mom, or she would ruin the rest of my day along with her "husband."

A loud slam echoes throughout the house. As soon as I heard it, I bolted downstairs, almost falling face first a few times. I grabbed an apple and ran out the door. I get into my car and text my best friend, Sia,
Me: Good Morning! We're about to be extremely late.

I put my phone down for a second as I wait for the sound of a ring. I waited, waited, and waited. Finally!

Sia: How about no? My back hurts. There's nothing good about this morning.
Me: You always say that though.
Sia: whatever. I'll meet you at the lockers.

Me: Ok see ya.

II powered off my phone, and the smile that had graced my face faded. Everyone always sees me as the happy girl who's never sad. I don't want them to remember me as anything else anyway.

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