Chapter 5| Familiar Feeling

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A soft and striking voice that belonged to Hera. I turn my head around.

As she barges through the door, her fiery red hair cascaded as a gentle breeze flows through. The sunlight illuminates every one of her freckles.

She's so majestic.

I woke up extra early and we all decided to meet up before school.

Hera seems a bit out of breath as she approaches me.

Looks like someone ran, she better have. I've been waiting my ass off for 30 minutes.

"I'm here," she manages to say between breaths before giving me a tight hug.

"Ah yes, finally." I roll my eyes and smile at her.

She shoots a glare at some guy who walks by, shamelessly eyeing my chest.

We sit down and just wait for the rest while talking.


"So what do you guys think?"

"Sia, babe. He's fucking ugly anyway." Hera dismissively says, rolling her eyes.

"But still..." Alesia groans, dropping her head on the table.

"You can do so much better." I smile and the other two nod.

Alesia and her weird ass ex boyfriend.

"Didn't you say he cheate-"

Alesia swiftly raises her head and smacks the back of my head.

"Don't say that!" She sighs and I smile at her.

"It'll be okay, besides have you seen yourself? You literally look like a fucking model. Dark hair, grey eyes, and a beautiful face. While he...doesn't look as good." I resist the urge to grimace.

"Greyson looks like his face got ran over by a car and then stomped on by the entire school." Hera snickers and I bite my lip so I don't laugh.

  "Besides, what about Enzo?" Allegra whisper and continues sipping on her water.

I can see Sia visibly stiffen.

"It's- complicated."

We continue going back and forth. Before heading to school, I go to the bathroom to touch up my lipgloss.

I stare into the mirror and make sure that my makeup covered up the cuts from last night. I examine my outfit in the large mirror. I'm just wearing jeans and a loose sweater.

I exit the bathroom and we walked to school, since I didn't even bring my car.
My stepfather slashed the tires.

What an asshole.

Sitting in the far corner of the classroom, I watched the room slowly fill with students. Alesia sits in front of me, while Hera and Allie sit on either sides of Sia.

"Good morning class," Mrs. Brown's voice sounded monotonous. I don't blame her, this class is filled with bitches.

  Me included.

Weirdly, she doesn't start roll call yet. Mrs. Brown just stood there as if she's waiting for something,

Or apparently someone.

The door swung open and I see a guy slowly walking into the classroom.

My eyes were immediately drawn to him. He had his head down. He wore a grey sweater adorned with letters and black pants. I can only make out his hair, his tousled black hair.

"Class, meet Alexei." Mrs. Brown announced, and a huge smile graces her face.

The guy, now identified as Alexei, lifts his head.

A strand of his hair drops on his forehead.
His jawline was as sharp as a blade, and his cheekbones perfectly chiseled.

However, his soft yet intense green eyes captured my attention. I was entranced by them.

I almost drool.

His eyelashes. Fuck I'm jealous. He's so... perfect?

Alexei cleared his throat and pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose, an action that somehow managed to make him even more attractive.

He looks strangely familiar.

"Alexei, please introduce yourself and tell us something you like to do."

I get snapped out of my admiring of the Greek god looking guy in front of the class.

"My name is Alexei-" he pauses for a few seconds. While I on the other hand,

Why is everything about him so hot? His face. His deep ass voice. The very subtle Russian accent he has-

"I-I like reading books." 

"How nice. Everyone make sure to be kind to him." She glances at Elena and her rat ass boyfriend. 

I sigh, but then Mrs. Brown's annoying ass says something good for once.

"You can go take a seat beside Kira."
"ɪ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅɪᴅ, ᴅɪᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ,"
-Chris Brown
Word count: 779


I'm back, kind of. This chapter is quite short but I am double uploading, so I guess it might make up for that. I update very off schedule so I apologize. Make sure to tell me if there's any mistakes pleaseee. 

Like always, I love you all 🤍 make sure to comment, vote, and follow.

Not yours truly,

Not yours truly, 𝓜𝓲𝓶𝓲

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