Chapter 7| Wishes

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TW: Abuse

  It's 12:12 am

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  It's 12:12 am. My birthday has begun. I'm already getting a gift from my mom.

   Mother dearest just slapped me across my face after she chugged a bottle of alcohol

I wish I could just disappear.

  "I fucking hate this day. This was the day a slut like you was born and ruined my life." She screams at me and pushes me onto the ground.

   My stepdad, Michael, comes from behind and grabs me by my hair. My mom throws the bottle on the ground.

It shatters. It shatters into a thousand pieces, just like my heart. I keep gluing it back together and people just keep breaking it.

  Over and over again.

Half of the bottle is still together, but the edges are sharp. She brings it close to my face.

"No," Before I could finish, Michael kicks my nose.

"Shut up." I feel like my nose broke, I almost scream and cry. But I hold it together.

She brings the bottle's sharp edge close to my face before holding it up in the air. Right before it could slash my face, it falls on the ground, along with my mom.

  I hear Michael groan. She probably drank too much.

"Don't be too relieved, bitch. I'll finish it off for her." He goes in front of me and looks down at me with a weird face. He kicks my rib. I hiss since the bruises from yesterday didn't even heal.

   He grabs the bottle and pushes the sharp edge into my shoulder. A few tears run down my face. He pulls it back out once I started bleeding and he throws it onto the ground.

"I'm feeling generous today." His evil laughter echos through the house as he goes upstairs.

I finally began crying uncontrollably.   Is the mental pain worse? 

I manage to stand and stumble to the front door.

  I don't know where to go. I have no one.

My best friends. I tell the almost everything. But I can never tell them all of this. I don't want them to see me differently. But then again, I don't have a choice. It's either I bleed out here, or find someone.

  I just leave the house and walk around the empty streets like a crazy person.

Blood is dripping from my nose and mouth. I can feel it seeping through the back of my shirt.

The only person that comes to mind is Hera. She's one of my best friends. I don't want to traumatize her though. Fuck.

I don't have a choice. Hera.

  She lives close to me. But what am I gonna tell her? Oh right, I got into a fight.

  I clutch my stomach as I walk to her house. I stop crying and wipe the tears. I take a deep breath and knock on the door. 

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