Chapter 8| Pity Party

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18 years

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18 years. I've been alive for exactly 18 years today.

My mom loves me. At least a little bit?


I'm jolted back to reality, my smile masking my nervousness.

I pretend I wasn't expecting this.

"Oh my-" My jaw drops as I take in the VIP section of the club.

My eyes scan the room, captivated by the flashing lights, the contagious smiles of my friends, cheers, and the pulsating music.

Ok maybe I'm a little surprised.

They managed to come up with an excuse to get me to change into the dress I got earlier. I already knew why.

My wide smile stretches my face, causing it to almost hurt from the sheer joy. I love them.

The crowd isn't too big. It's just Sia, Hera, Allegra, Enzo, Aurelio, Luis, Mateo, and...


Our eyes meet briefly before he quickly looks down

So cute.

He's wearing a black shirt with jeans. His glasses are perched on the bridge of his nose.

I shift my gaze and hug my girls.

There's a few other people, I don't mind.

My attention is drawn to the two-tiered cake displayed on the table.

Oh that makes sense. No wonder Allie wasn't with us.

Allegra was busy setting up for the party. Just for me.

My heart feels like it might burst. She put in so much time and effort for me.

For once, I actually feel cherished and I'm not sure I deserve it.

"Just cut the cake already. I wanna eat it."

Luis groans impatiently.

They all shoot him glares before redirecting their smiles to me.

"What? It's not my fault Barbie over here made the cake look just as good as she does."

A faint blush colors Allegra's cheeks as she shrugs.

I see Lio's eye twitch and I suppress a laugh.

"Yeah, you think his ass is gonna be beaten after this, princesa?" Lorenzo whispers to me and I bite my lip.

"Definitely." He fist bumps me and I give him a look of disgust.

He just smirks and wraps an arm around Sia's waist.

She stiffens, attempting to push his arm away. Her eyes narrow but she eventually gives up.

To his luck, Lio doesn't see or else he would create a blood bath.

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