Chapter 6| Butterflies

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His eyes sweep across the room and he looks back at her, confused

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His eyes sweep across the room and he looks back at her, confused.

Without missing a beat, I raise my hand casually.

This could be the start of a new friendship, and I want to make a good impression.

"Right here." I try to play it cool.

His eyes briefly flicker my way, and I respond with a friendly smile, concealing the flutters in my chest. He tightly closes his eyes for a second before walking towards me.

He doesn't react, but sits beside me.

How do I ask him to be my friend? I open my mouth to talk but hesitate.

"Hey, I'm Kira," I introduce with a warm smile.

He looks into my eyes for only a second and I feel dizzy.

I need to get my shit together.

"Uh yeah- I'm A-Alexei." He avoids my eyes and turns his eyes back to the teacher. 

I mentally pat myself on the back for making progress regardless of the awkwardness.

 I close my eyes tightly for a second in embarrassment

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I close my eyes tightly for a second in embarrassment.

Fuck I stuttered.

The things I need to do for this.

The guy beside Elena gives me an ugly look. And if that doesn't fuel my urge to kill everyone-

  Holy. Shit.

My attention shifts to the girl who's sitting in the seat beside mine.

Her deep brown eyes stare back at me. And she smiles widely. Her smile is infectious. It's a sickly sweet smile. Very fucking sweet. I can see her one dimple.

Someone genuinely smiled at me? Other than that weird ass teacher. Tell me this girl isn't gonna end up on my "soon-to-be-non-living" list.

I feel something weird. A sudden heat rises to my ears.

I take a cautious step towards the empty seat beside her. The gazes of others seem to burn into me, but I attempt to ignore them. Slowly, I sit down and casually place my backpack on the floor.

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