Chapter 9| Us?

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"So, we're going to have the same last period?"

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"So, we're going to have the same last period?"

"Yep. Just like every year."

Every year all of us join one class together. And we just decided on them joining my astronomy class. Little do they know, there's a project waiting for them in that class.

"No stupid people?"


I nod after smoothly delivering the lie.

I didn't tell them to be annoying.  The teacher will discuss the project details today, and I just can't wait to see their faces pale. I evilly laugh internally.

"Not a single idiot. Only the good seniors." I say deliberately leaving out the fact that Luis and Enzo would be part of the same class. I know Sia won't be thrilled, but I'll tell her later.

After our "walk of shame" into the first class, I sat right beside Alexei. Being a decentish student, it's hella nerve-wracking to give the teacher a chance to yell at me. But I have way more things to be worried about.

Alexei and I didn't really talk much. The only time we talked was when I asked for a pencil. I couldn't help but steal glances at him during class. There's something about him.

I casually munch on a fry, lost in thought.

"Last night I saw Enzo getting a lap dance." Allie laughs.

Sia clears her throat.

"He was super drunk and kept whispering I have a girlfriend. The girl wasn't leaving him alone so I had to help him out." Allegra leans on her fist.

"He has a girlfriend?" Hera raises an eyebrow.

"No. I think he was just saying that because he was drunk." She shrugs.

Sia seems lost in thought and I wave a hand in front of her face.

"You good?" I smile.

"Yeah, it's just the hangover." I can tell she's lying but I stay silent.

I'm still surprised that Enzo is alive. I feel like Sia would've killed him or something. It would make sense too. I love Enzo but he fucked up big time.

He's lucky that Aurelio never even found out that they dated before.

"You remember that new guy?" Sia brings up.

"Which one?"

"The tall one with glasses." She only gets a confused look from us.

Alesia looks around the cafeteria and her eyes land on the table where Alexei as well as the others are sitting. She points at him.

"That one."

"Who's that new kid?" Hera questions.

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