Chapter 64: Aftershock

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"She left out the back door," Vienna informed Kieran only three minutes after The Little Rich Girl walked out of his life.

Kieran nodded, unable to form words that would adequately express his mental and emotional state.

He had told her the truth. Since the beginning, Kieran had been after her money, not her heart. No matter how hard he worked for it, he could never deserve her heart. Nor could he accept it when he knew the path he had to lead. Naomi could never be a part of his world. She didn't know the half of it.

It had been the right thing to do, dropping the attachment before it grew. But his chest hurt. No, it ached.

Did you have to say all that after you kissed her?

Sadly, Kieran knew the answer. It had been the right timing. Now, because of it, Naomi should hate him forthe rest of her life. She would only go back to her perfect bubble if she hated him. She would be safer there than in his clutches.

"That was quite the kiss," Ruby commented, sidling up beside Kieran with her usual overbearing flair.

Kieran shrugged her off of his shoulder. "Don't read too far into it."

"Too late for that." Ruby folded her arms and leaned in conspiratorially. "You're using me for her sake, right?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Kieran lied.

"Oh, please," Ruby laughed, hearty and robust. "I've been working on you for weeks, and you've never expressed interest. Those harsh words you just said? They were fueled by more emotion than I've ever seen you express."

"You're seeing things." Kieran didn't believe his own words. They were too weak, too soft.

Ruby rolled her eyes. "Admit it. The two of you have some serious chemistry going. Why are you fighting that?"

"None of your business what happens between her and me." Kieran set down the tool in his hand lest he snap it in half.

"Fine, whatever." Ruby shrugged. "With her out of the way, I have less competition, right?"

"I'm not going to waste my time on you," Kieran spat.

He didn't mean to ostracize her or act angrily toward her, but if she didn't shut up Kieran might snap. Ruby had a way of pushing every button that made him furious, especially when he was already having a bad day.

Ruby's eyebrows arched, but this time she said nothing. As if she wanted Kieran to speak first.

Her silence worked. Kieran hadn't wanted to disclose any further information, but he couldn't resist the pull of tense silence.

"I have someone else to be responsible for. I can't commit anything."

"Yet, you started something with her." Ruby sighed heavily, taking a step away as if she knew she had worn through all of Kieran's patience. "Pity. That kind of chemistry doesn't come around every day. You'd better be extra sure of your choice."

"Are we going to get going on this photoshoot or not?" Kieran changed the subject, because the truth was he hadn't been sure of his choices at all lately.

Ruby smirked as if she read every one of his thoughts. "I'll go get changed."

"You do that."

Ignoring her couldn't force Kieran to ignore the truth, but between his anger at himself and his disappointment about letting Naomi go, Kieran didn't have the strength to act diplomatically. One more push, and he would either explode with anger or burst into tears. No one needed to witness either extreme.

He should have at least sent Donovan to make sure that Naomi got home safely.

Kieran's phone interrupted his second guesses. As if she knew every sway of Kieran's heart, the caller ID read Tawny.

Kieran took a deep breath, inhaling as much healthy oxygen as he could to calm the heat in his veins.

Then he answered.

"What's wrong?"

"You're in a bad mood." Kieran could hear Tawny's pout in her words. "Did I do something wrong?"

"Doesn't matter. I'm about to start a shoot, why are you calling?" The quicker he ended this conversation, the easier it would be to cool himself down again.

"I thought we were on good terms again. Why are you being mean to me?"

"Tawny, if you don't tell me why you're calling, I'm going to hang up."

"Okay, okay! Gosh." Tawny sighed heavily, like Kieran had offered to end the whole world. "I'm just lonely and wondering when you're coming back."

This time, it was Kieran who sighed. How much clingier could one girl get? Yes, he had promised to take responsibility for her. Did that mean that she had to know his every move?

"I'll be back this evening. I'm working right now."

"That's so long," Tawny whined.

Kieran rolled his eyes. "I know, but like I said. I'm working."

"You can't take a day off to spend it with me?"

"I'm working to keep up with your debt. Would you rather I didn't?"

Kieran knew the tactic would do the trick. Tawny may not have any issues incurring debt, but she was hopeless when it came to paying it off. She wouldn't stop him if he used that reason to stay out.

As expected, Tawny relented. "Fine. But you owe me the whole evening."

"Sure, whatever." Kieran glanced up, thankful to spot Ruby returning all dolled up for her new profile shots. "I've got to go."

"I hope it goes well."

Yeah, me too, was what Kieran wanted to answer, but he kept his snark to himself and sufficed with, "Thanks."

Tawny might have said a thousand more things, but Kieran didn't hear them. He had already hung up and silenced his phone. If not for Tawny, he might have had a better chance with Naomi. Right now, he needed to keep his distance so he could get over the twinge of remorse.

Kieran swiped his tongue over his lips in an unconscious effort to retrain his mind. He would move on. One day.

"We ready?" Kieran asked too brightly.

Ruby caught the tone, clearly, but she only smiled and stepped into the spotlight.

Kieran didn't waste time finding the perfect shot. But he didn't try to end early, either. After all, what was he supposed to do once this ended? He couldn't face his new reality just yet.

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