Back on track

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During the first few hours it was a bad as I thought it would be. It seemed to get late pretty quickly as the girls changed into their pjs. There was a separate room for the staff in charge of keeping their eyes on them. But of course only one bed in there for the 2 of us. Which I mean was fine since nothing was gonna happen. But it's not like once evening came we would be getting much sleep anyways. First it was the fact that I was happy they weren't going home and that my plan was back on track. They had fought and gotten in trouble and sent to this cabin where Jason and I would be in charge of them. But then one of the twins was trying to sleep while the other was working on who knows what. It went back and forth with them switching the light on and off. But this is just typical sister behavior. Even though they didn't know it yet.

Jason and I laid in the bed watching it flicker on and off and it was giving me a headache. It was like strobe lights can't look at flickering lights it was like there was a demon in the cabin. It got to the point enough that I did something I didn't live having to do. And that was go and yell at them to turn the light off settle down and go to sleep. I'm surprised they actually went to sleep after that for the most part. I can be loud and scary when I need to be. They know when I'm serious. And then Jason and I were snuggled up when the storm came. Pouring rain the flags coming down the pole the kids splashing in the muddy waters or running through them in their bathing suits. As they ran screaming. They're already wet they were at the pool why are they screaming?!

In our cabin our temp cabin at least maybe. At least for now. The girls I couldn't tell you which maybe it was both of them but they were hanging up pictures. I think it was Hallie cause there was a hat on the wall. And there was leak in the ceiling so we searched the room for a bucket but it looked like it was about to overflow. Now if the girls could just figure it out for Pete sake we could all get along and go back to our cabins where it's dry and not falling apart. But no. Annie sat on her bed with cards. Jason sat with her while I helped Hallie hang photos. I'm in some of these I mumbled to her. Yeah you are. She smiled back at me. I put my hand on her back giving it a little rub. As I ran my fingers through her hair. I told her I liked it better longer. Thought it looked prettier. She insisted she liked it this length. Whatever you say Hal. And the wind blew.

Jason and I ran to pick up the things that fell on the floor. While Annie helped Hallie close the window. She got off the bed said she'd help. They're working together. I watched them. And then I watched as they smiled at each other. And I smirked at Jason. Crossing both sets of fingers and crossing my arms over my shoulders. As I bit my lip. My side glance to Jason said "it's working." He mimicked me for good luck. He's picked up on it from me and so have my sisters. Thanks Hallie said. You're welcome. Annie said back. They weren't fighting. I hoped fingers crossed that my plan would work. Step one they were isolated in the cabin. Step two part one they're working together and not fighting. They're getting along.

And then we handed them back their photos as we all sat together on the floor. Aw man. They sat near each other and gathered the photos. Cuppy the rabbit was lying next to Annie as she picked it up and handed it to Hallie. Oh here's your.... Cuppy Hallie corrected as she took it back from her. Are any of your pictures ruined Annie asked. Only the beautiful Leonardo DiCaprio. Who? Annie asked. Hallie was surprised Annie had no idea. Vous êtes une star de cinéma et un mannequin célèbre et vous ne lui avez rien appris sur le monde moderne? You're a famous movie star and model and you haven't taught her anything about the modern world? Jason nudged me. As I rolled my eyes. I am not. I rolled them again. You are too. I heard both girls say. Besides I teach her enough as it is already and she knows plenty about the modern world that's just not someone that comes up in our convo. Why were you speaking in French Farrah has taught us how? She's been doing it since summer camp started.

Though those are not words that she would be teaching us. I just already know how to speak French. Annie shrugged. Me too Farah's been teaching me for some reason I'm basically fluent in it. How far away is London anyways? Well from here it's 3,000 miles away but it feels much further. Annie admitted. Yeah Farrah goes to and from California and London and Canada all the time she goes to do her acting/singing thing in California with our dad and modeling in London with I guess our mom and I guess Jason lives in Candada it's the midway point between both places. And she takes a lot of online schooling. I wish I could see one of her modeling shows. She's the prettiest model up there. I bet. Hallie agrees. Girls girls please you're making me blush. I'd love to go on the set of one of her episodes or movies that she's in I bet seeing her do her job is fun. I wish I got to see that kind of stuff in person too. Never been to Hollywood. I think going to one of her premiers would be fun though.

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