Because you wouldn't wanna send the wrong kid all the way back to England

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In the morning a man at the front desk was giving mom her passport back wishing her a safe flight home. Martin appeared next to her asking where Annie was since she warned me she was sending me home with my father. He said he rang for us and felt we'd be right down. Otherwise they seemed all set and ready to go. Next to her was dad saying that he would send me and Hallie back to her over Christmas though me sooner since I have modeling work to do and fashion shows. And Annie and Farrah will spent Easter with you if not Farrah sooner for her singing and acting career stuff. Mom agreed. The elevator goes off and they turn to see the twins in matching outfits and hairstyles I still had the rest of my plan up my sleeve. While I stood there with them (outfit 4) and Jason pretending to be perfect little angels while our parents couldn't tell the girls apart. Mom and dad gave me the parent look.

Annie what are you doing those clothes? Mom started. We have a plane to catch she finished with a look at me. The girls I'm not sure which one because I trained them too well and they said the deal was this that we thought it over and felt we were totally being gypped. Dad said we'd go on our camping trip and we want to go but together they decided. What camping trip? Dad asked and then we reminded them the same one we take every year about this time right before school starts. Our mother felt this was ridiculous and ordered Annie to go back upstairs and put her clothes on. One of them asked if she was sure that she was sure that she was Annie and mom was saying of course she was sure. Though they couldn't tell the other apart when they made the switch. While the other confirmed that it was hard to be 100% sure. Isn't it?

Dad told us this was totally unfunny and we were gonna make our mother miss her plane. Annie! Mom scolded. But both of them said yes dad had his hands on his hips and then leaned forward looking them both in the eye and pointed at one of them and said he knew that that one was Hallie he was sure of. You know I hope you're right dad. I started. Because you wouldn't wanna send the wrong kid all the way back to England. One of them continued. Would you? The other finished. They couldn't tell them apart so the girls told them that we would go back to dad's house pack our bags and the 6 of us go on the camping trip you mom us girls Farrah and Jason because Jason always comes with us on this trip and mom never gets to go and then when we come back we will tell you which one of us is Annie is which one of us is Hallie. Mom suggested they could also do as she says and one of you gets on that plane back with me to London. Whether we liked it or not.

And drumroll please.... Guess which plan we went with. We all went back to dads packed our bags and got ready to go on our camping trip laughing about how Meredith was complaining about what she was gonna do for 3 days. Sit home and knit?! Dad loaded up the car and told her that we were in sticky situation and she was surprised that mom was going too. Excuse me what is she doing here?! She asked about our mother. You see that's part of the deal dad told her. That all of us go on the camping trip together. So what are you now? The Brady Bunch?! She screamed at him. Mom asked her if everything was ok and she calmed down she said no not really because she didn't realize mom was going on this little outing with us. And to tell us the truth she wasn't sure if she was ok with it. Mom agreed felt that the ex wife in the next sleeping bag would be a little weird. Dad turned and rubbed his face putting a hand to his head while this was something they agreed on. Though that wasn't fair to us. She insisted that she come with us which wouldn't you know be even stranger?!

Dad laughed. Liz? Mer didn't like this idea either because she doesn't go camping and when we were gonna find out that they pulled this on us we wouldn't like it either. But all is fair in love and war and we love our parents and each other but we're at war with his fiance. She felt that she messed up his whole weekend and that this was the least she could do. Next thing we know we're adding HER stuff and Mer is in a yoga outfit and sunglasses like she's gonna be lounging by the pool and when we get upset dad tells us to be nice. Said our mother invited her. We groaned and moaned and got into the car. We had our own jeep that Jason and I would follow down in since there wasn't enough room for all of us. But then mom set off a big bomb on the rest of us. She tapped dad's jeep asked if everyone was all set and to have fun everyone. We were all very disappointed. Mer it seemed most of all because it wasn't her thing. What?! Liz what are you doing?! Dad asked her. She felt that the two of them needed some time alone before the big day.

Mom come on that's not the plan! One of the girls groaned. She felt we would have much more fun without her. Mer thought that if mom wasn't going she didn't have to go either. Said she wasn't a big nature girl. But mom said nonsense that after all after the wedding we were half hers and this was her chance to really get to know us. Dad smiled putting his glasses on while the 4 of us groaned moaned and pouted while Mer scowled with the "I'm an evil step mom and I don't care about your bratty kids." She said have fun all of us. The girls sat down we all drove off as mom waved after us and Chessie came out next to mom to make fun of Meredith she teased that she would pay big money to see that woman climb a mountain and so here we were all 6 of us on the camping trip but no mom.  

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