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      Erwin Smith was just like any other new recruit in the Training Corps when he met Victoria. He was young, unsure of himself, and still trying to figure out where he fit in this new world he had just entered. But there was something about Victoria that drew him to her - her fierce determination, her unwavering sense of justice, and her willingness to fight for what she believed in.

   From the moment they first met, Erwin was captivated by Victoria. He admired her strength and courage, and he was in awe of the way she never backed down from a challenge. Even though he was still finding his own footing, he felt like he could learn a lot from her.

   But at first, Erwin was too afraid to approach Victoria. He was worried that he would come across as weak or inadequate, especially in comparison to her. He watched her from a distance, trying to work up the courage to speak to her, but always chickening out at the last minute.

       It wasn't until they were both assigned to the same squad that Erwin finally got up the nerve to talk to Victoria. They were on a training exercise, running through the woods and trying to find their way back to camp. Erwin had gotten separated from his group and was hopelessly lost, until he stumbled upon Victoria.

         She was sitting by a stream, studying a map and looking like she had everything under control. Erwin felt a surge of relief wash over him as he approached her, grateful for the chance to be near her.

"Hey," he said, trying to keep his voice steady. "I, uh, I think I'm lost."

Victoria looked up from her map, a hint of amusement in her eyes. "You're not the first one to get lost out here," she said. "But don't worry, I've got it all figured out."

Erwin smiled, feeling a little more at ease. "Can I, uh, can I help you with anything?"

Victoria raised an eyebrow, surprised by his offer. But there was something in the way he looked at her, a sense of earnestness and kindness, that made her feel like she could trust him.

"Actually," she said, handing him the map, "do you mind double-checking this for me? I want to make sure we're heading in the right direction."

Erwin took the map from her, feeling a rush of excitement as he realized that she was actually asking him for help. He studied the map carefully, feeling a surge of pride when he realized that he knew exactly where they were.

"Okay," he said, pointing to a spot on the map. "I think we're here, and if we head that way, we should hit the main road and be back at camp in no time."

Victoria smiled, impressed by his skills. "Thanks," she said, taking the map back from him. "You're pretty good at this."

Erwin blushed, feeling a surge of happiness at her words. "Thanks," he said, feeling like he had finally made some progress in winning her over.

From that moment on, Erwin and Victoria started to spend more time together. They trained together, ate together, and even studied together. Erwin felt like he was learning so much from her, both in terms of their training and in terms of life in general.

And as they grew closer, Erwin started to realize that he was falling in love with Victoria. He admired her passion and her strength, and he felt like they had a deep connection that went beyond just their shared sense of justice.

One day, as they were taking a break from training and sitting on a bench, Erwin worked up the courage to tell Victoria how he felt.

"Victoria," he said, his voice shaking a little with nervousness. "There's something I need to tell you."

Victoria turned to him, her eyes bright and curious. "What is it?"

Erwin took a deep breath, feeling like his heart was about to burst out of his chest. "I know we've only known each other for a short time, but I feel like I'm falling in love with you."

Victoria's expression softened, and she reached out to take his hand. "Erwin, I feel the same way," she said, her voice warm and gentle. "I've been trying to deny it, but I can't help the way I feel."

Erwin felt a surge of happiness wash over him, and he leaned in to kiss her. It was a gentle, tentative kiss at first, but soon they were both lost in the moment, their bodies pressed together as they explored each other's lips.

From that moment on, Erwin and Victoria were inseparable. They spent every moment they could together, their love growing deeper with each passing day. Even though they were both committed to their training and their sense of justice, they always made time for each other, knowing that their love was the most important thing in their lives.


He was there, all alone, reminiscing his love for her and how it all started.  How could he forget? After all, this is the start of his rise as a soldier and also his downfall as an honorable man. Funny how easily he gets to remember everything just by a single moment of talk with Levi. Every night he dreams about her, but then, the nightmare comes right after.



Have a nice reading experience everyone. 


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