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As Victoria continued to see the corrupt and selfish ways of the Military Police, she grew more and more fed up. She couldn't stand the thought of the very people who were supposed to protect and serve their fellow citizens instead hoarding wealth and resources for their own gain.

She decided to start investigating deeper, and Erwin supported her every step of the way. However, he also worried about her safety. The MP was not known for taking kindly to anyone who threatened to expose their secrets, and Victoria was risking a lot by trying to uncover their wrongdoing.

Despite her concerns, Victoria remained determined. She knew that she had to stand up for what was right, even if it meant putting herself in danger. She started gathering evidence, talking to witnesses and gathering information about the illegal activities the MP was involved in.

It wasn't long before Victoria's investigation caught the attention of some of the higher-ups in the Military Police. They didn't like the idea of one of their own poking around where she didn't belong, and they started to put pressure on her to back off. But Victoria was not so easily intimidated. She continued to dig, determined to uncover the truth no matter the cost.

As the days went on, Victoria became increasingly frustrated. It seemed like every time she uncovered something new, the MP was already one step ahead of her. They were constantly covering their tracks, making it difficult for her to find concrete evidence of their crimes.

One night, Victoria came to Erwin's quarters looking more exhausted than ever. He could see the toll that her investigation was taking on her, and it broke his heart. He wanted nothing more than to protect her from harm, but he knew that he couldn't stop her from pursuing the truth.

As Victoria sat on the bed, tears streaming down her face, Erwin held her in his arms. He didn't need to say anything; they both knew that they were in this together, no matter what. And in that moment, they found comfort in each other's embrace.

But the respite was brief. The next day, Victoria received a warning from one of her sources that the MP was planning to take action against her. They knew about her investigation, and they weren't going to let her continue unchecked.

Victoria knew that she had to act fast. She and Erwin hatched a plan to leak the information she had gathered to the public. They hoped that by exposing the MP's wrongdoing to the people, they would be able to bring about change from the outside.

It was a risky move, but Victoria knew that it was the only way. She and Erwin worked tirelessly to prepare the information and make sure that it would be distributed widely. And finally, the day came when they were ready to release it to the public.

Victoria's heart was pounding as she hit the "send" button on her computer. For a moment, there was silence. But then, her phone started to buzz with notifications. People were reading the information she had leaked, and they were outraged.

Over the next few days, the MP was rocked by scandal after scandal. Their secrets were out in the open, and they could no longer hide from the public. In the end, many of them were brought to justice, thanks in no small part to Victoria's bravery and determination. Even the king was shaking with madness and nervousness. Most of their dirty, illegal secrets were out in just one go. 

For Victoria and Erwin, it was a bittersweet victory. They were relieved that justice had been served, but they also knew that there would be consequences for their actions. They had put their lives and careers on the line, and there was no telling what the future held for them.

But as they sat together, holding each other close, they knew that they had done the right thing.


  Was it the right thing, after all? For a moment of victory and feeling of relief, was it all worth it? Maybe if they just kept to themselves and didn't poke their noses to the governments business , they would've been better off. 



Short chapter...

Have a nice reading experience!!


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