The Prophecy

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"Come on we don't wanna be caught out here after nightfall" Mr. beaver eagerly keeps us moving. We had been walking for a while climbing up hills. My feet felt like they were about to fall off and I noticed the others were starting to slowen their pace as well. I've also noticed the animals had been looking at us and they seemed shocked as if an animal could even display that emotion on their face. My dress was getting more and more ripped as I walked. It had gotten stuck on stick and was wet from the snow. My coat was cold and seemed to be loosing insulation. It hung low on me reaching down to my knees. 

We travel through a dark cave and eventually reach the light again. "Oh Blimey looks like the old girl has got the kettle on!" Mr. Beaver says and it's then that's when I see a small dam. It almost looked like a log cabin.  "It's lovely!" Lucy says admiring the small home. It did look nicer than staying in the cold any longer. 

"Beaver is that you, I've been worried sick, if I find you've been out with badger again I-" Mrs. Beaver stops speaking as she sees the five of us. "Well, those aren't badgers." she says cuffing her hands up to her furry face. "I never thought I would see the day, look at my fur you couldn't have given me ten minutes warning!" Mrs. Beaver says to Mr. Beaver. "I'd given you a week if I thought it would've helped." Mr. Beaver responds and I laugh. 

"Oh come inside and we'll see if we can get you all some nice food" Mrs. Beaver says and we all slowly follow her into her hut. I feel my stomach make noises not realizing how hungry I had become. 

It was nice and toasty in the hut. Mrs. Beaver gives us each a hot cup of tea and we pour it in to each others mugs. When I drank the tea it felt like my stomach had gotten warm and my cheeks began to not be so blushed and chilled. However the bruise on my cheek begin to become more prominent as I looked at my reflection in the plate. 

"Oh dear lemme help you with your dress!" Mrs. Beaver says and gets out a small sewing kit. She then begins to sew the holes in the dress. "Thank you Mrs. Beaver for all of this!" I say and she smiles at me and begins to fill in the gaps in my dress. 

I wanted the dress off. I love dresses but have a hatred for my dresses because these are the dresses that my father picked out for himself really. I hoped to one day be able to actually make my own decision without punishment. I felt the bruise on my cheek from a couple nights ago the one that Peter tried to touch. It still was slightly purple but the cold kept it somewhat hidden. It stung to touch and I looked over and made direct eye contact with Peter. 

He watched me touch my bruise and I quickly pulled my hand away and looked back down towards my tea. I could see his fist tighten around his mug of tea and his jaw clenched making his jaw line become even more definite.  

"Is there anything we can do to help Mr. Tumnus?" I ask breaking the tension between Peter and I. "They'll have him taken to the witches house. You know what they say there's few that go through those gates and come out again" Mr. Beaver says causing a sadness to fill the air. 

"Fish and Chips?" Mrs. Beaver tries to lighten the mood and hands a plate out with raw fish on it. I thank her but don't touch the raw fish. "There's still hope dear" she then says to an anxious Lucy. " Oh, Yeah, there's a right bit more than hope" Mr. Beaver says after Mrs. Beaver elbows him and he coughs on his drink. 

He then leans close to the four of us like he's nervous someone to listening to our conversation. Edmund is off on the stairs acting lonesome. "Aslan is on the move" he says and I give the Pevensie siblings a confused look. Edmund then seems to finally caught interests and stands up and walks over towards the table. 

"Who's Aslan?" he asks and the beavers laugh hysterically. "Who's Aslan you cheeky little blighter?" they mock him and he laughs more. I look over at Susan who is just as confused. Mrs, Beaver then shoves Mr. Beaver and he pays attention to the five of us and realize we have no clue who he is talking about. 

"You don't know do you?" He asks and Peter answers for us "We haven't exactly been here very long" He looks at me as he says it. I could hear worry in his voice maybe even fear. "Well, he's only the king of the whole wood, the top geezer, the real king of Narnia" Mr. Beaver goes on. "He's been away for a long while" Mrs. Beaver begins "But he just got back and he's waiting for you near the stone table!" Mr. Beaver finishes. 

"He's waiting for us?" Lucy asks. "You're blooming joking, they don't even know about the prophecy!" Mr. Beaver says. "Prophecy?" I question him and he rubs his face looking stressed. "Don't be mad at her she's just as confused as we are!" Peter looks towards the beaver defending me "Look, Aslan's return, Tumnus arrest, the secret police, it's all happening because of you!" Mr. Beaver shouts. 

"You're blaming us?" Susan interjects clearly offended at Mr. Beavers speech. "No! not blaming thanking you!" Mrs. Beaver says. "Thanking us for getting an innocent creature arrested?" I asked and the beaver huffs.

"Listen, There's a prophecy, When Adams flesh and Adams bone sits at air paravel in throne, the evil time will be over and done" Mr. Beaver says. "You know that doesn't really rhyme" Susan smugly says. 

"I know it don't, but you're kinda missing the point!" Mr. Beaver angrily says. Mrs. Beaver then lays her hand on Mr. Beavers shoulder in an attempt to calm him down. "It has long been foretold that two sons of Adam and three daughters of Eve will defeat the white witch and restore peace to Narnia " Mrs. Beaver excitingly and filled with hope says. 

"You think we're the ones?" Peter says and Mr. Beaver quickly interjects once again. "You better be, 'cause Aslan's already fitted out your army" 

"Our army?" Lucy says looking at us. "Mum sent us away so we wouldn't be caught up in a war" Susan says and I look at Peter. "I think you've made a mistake we're not hero's." Peter says and close my eyes for a moment trying to soak in what this means for all of us. 

We have an entire army that we must lead to defeat some evil witch who has ruled Narnia for many years not letting the cold disappear? It seemed straight out of a book. 

"Thank you for your hospitality but we really have to go" Susan says and stands up. I stand up with her and she gives me a small smile silently thanking me. "No you can't just leave!" Mr. Beaver says and I look over at Peter who is now standing as well. He walks over to me and grabs my waist pulling me toward the door of the home. 

"He's right, we have to help Mr. Tumnus" Lucy pleads. "It's out of our hands, I'm sorry but it's time the five of us were getting home" Peter says and I turn to leave. My eyes then look around the hut when I realize there's only four of us. 

"Where's Ed?" I say looking at everyone. Peter snaps his head back. "Ed! Ed!" he then looks at me and I can see he's furious. I almost fear him for a moment taking a step back and he lets go of my waist. "I'm gonna kill him" he says and Mr. Beaver then says "You might not have to, has Edmund ever been to Narnia before?" Mr. Beaver asks and I look towards the siblings.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I did make Amelie apart of the prophecy because I wanted toooo and I think it's better that way and easier to format and fit her in to the story hahahaha. I hope you are enjoying the story so far! Love you! 

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