Where Did You Go

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The rain came down like the first night I met Peter

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The rain came down like the first night I met Peter. I sat in the same spot and looked down the hill looking at the small house at the bottom. It wasn't my home and it never was. Narnia was my home and the Pevensie family was my home. I looked toward Peter's face and lightly kissed him. 

"I don't want to leave" I whisper into the kiss and I could feel my tears streaming down my face even in the storm. "I don't want you to leave either" Peter says cupping my cheek. His own eyes were watering. My entire body get chills as the cold water drips down my face. 

I take in his face for what hopefully won't be the last time and I wrap my arms around him tightly. Holding on to him for a long moment. I then looked at the bottom of the hill and see the small home. The home I grew up in and would be leaving. 

My father passed shortly after I came back from Narnia. His Alcoholism had gotten the best of him one night and he had fallen in the middle of the night. I found him the next morning. He had a crushed bottle beside him and his head had a large wound from the counter. 

I didn't know how to feel about his passing. He never was my father and I never viewed him as one. He made me feel small and like I was worthless. 

Part of me did feel sad and almost guilty though. He was all I had for such a long period of time. Part of me wishes I would have tried harder to help him through the grief of my mother passing like maybe if I was there for him more he would have recovered quicker and healthier. 

A distant aunt took guardianship over me. She lived hundreds of miles away from the professor home. 

Peter was gonna leave eventually for his home in the next coming months as the war began to end. We were bound to be separated but we thought we had a bit more time together before it happened. 

We had a plan though. When I turned of age I would immediately find the Pevensie and live with them. Mrs. Pevensie wasn't for taking guardianship of me when Peter wrote her a letter asking. I understood as she had never met me and in her eyes Peter and I only knew each other for a couple days not many years. 

We promised to write to one another. Peter wrote his postal office near his homes address on a piece of paper that I will hold close to me at all times. He promised to walk to the office everyday until he receives my letter. I told him I would do the same. 

"We just have to survive a year or two without each other, it's gonna be hard but you're strong Amelie and we can do this, we are strong enough to make it through this" Peter said as I looked down towards the grass. 

I play with my locket as Peter holds onto his bracelet. "I love you" I say and Peter smiles softly only hurting me more. "I love you too Amelie" he says giving me another soft kiss. We kiss for a moment realizing this is the last kiss we'll share for months maybe even years. 

Dear Peter, 

I didn't know I would ever actually miss my father. My aunt is unbearable. She doesn't let me eat and says that I need to "lose weight." She makes me work constant on her farm. I had to work in the garden for 18 hours one day. She doesn't like when I talk back to her and my Uncle punishes me for it. He's a lot stronger then my father. All I want to do is be with you Peter. I miss your touch and your lips. I miss your smile. I miss your hugs and your voice. This is gonna be a rough couple of years. The only thing getting me through is the thought of you and the life we are gonna have together. Let me know how everyone is doing! I miss them so much. 

I love you, Amelie 

Dear Amelie,

I've shown my mother your letter. She is willing to send you here after a big fight between all of us and her, Lucy even yelled that she would no longer stay at home anymore if you do not come. You can stay with us and away from these idiotic people. No one should have to go through what you are going through. We just need you to send the address of the home and not the postal office. We will come get you as soon as you send the address. 

I love you, Stay Strong,


A letter was never sent to the Pevensie household. 

Awww they got separated! It won't be for long though! Hope you enjoy the rest of the second part of this book and thank you for reading this far!!

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